Methodology whereas framework, we already hear the scrum considered, which is a framework. But why? Let's compare both definitions to understand this better. So structure structure is well defined for the methodology. We have phases, desks, methods, techniques and tools. And just basic things are defined for the framework, a lot of space for creativity and adaptation, but these have its benefits and disadvantages, standards, they're well defined for methodology.
You know, what to do you know when to do and you know how to do and only basic things are defined for the framework, more likely you know what to do, but you don't know how to do and when to do outcome predictability. It's high for the methodology because you have well defined structure and well defined standards. And for that reason, it's low for as a framework, no well defined structure. No well defined standards can be tailored to company environment and culture. Maybe methodology have a lot of different prescriptions or rules, points that need to be considered. And before implementing methodology to company or organization, you need to be very careful because it might not work for your particular case.
For the framework, it's much more easier because it's lightweight approach. It doesn't have too much requirements and prescriptions, and it could be adopted to almost any organization, environment or company level of expertise needed to use. We consider McDonald's just heavy approach with a lot of prescription service as I mentioned before, and therefore you need to be an expert to manage all those things. In framework it's much more easier and you have just basic points that need to be considered need to be implemented and you can go fourth level to employment. It's high for McDonald's. Because to implement a lot of rules, a lot of points, a lot of tools and so on and so on, you need to spend a lot of time and money.
And when we are speaking about framework, we consider just basic rules, basic points, basic things that need to be implemented. And this will be much more easier to do for whites metrics and tools for estimating, yes to methodology. And it's mandatory for methodology to have the things to measure performance, different metrics, and so on and so on. So yes, here, maybe for framework, it's very dependent on particular framework provides principle and philosophy. Yes, for McDonald's. So McDonald's, you have fruits, why it actually agreed, as a porpoise, how it can help and so on and so on.
So here we can say yes, and for the framework, it really depends on particular for our so maybe Now let's make a summary of both definitions methodology whereas this framework, so methodology is well defined here we have a broad set contains all the details and tools needed to deliver consistent results. But in other candidates complicated heavy approach has it could not work in your organization, and it will be hard to manage it. framework is a lightweight approach. It contains just basic things that could be implemented. And it could be implemented to almost any environment, but it doesn't have well defined structure and well defined standards. Now therefore, Brady to build to resolve become much more lowers in in methodology.
So that was a comparison of these two definitions. And now you have better understanding why we go Scrum has framework. Let's move on and let's continue learning Scrum.