Hello guys, welcome to the 16th session of create customer Alexa scale using AWS lambda function tutorials for beginners. In this session we will see more method of responsibility to generate a response. In the previous session, we had generated a response using methods of the start response such as p descent should end a session and then use a method method and pass response ready as actually, it will generate a response from the data that we have set via methods of this dot response. There is another way to generate a response of written to Alexa. That is using responsibility. The syntax for using responsibilities here within a main method, we need to pass appropriate action name in the first parameter and other response content in next parameters.
Here is a simple difference between the syntax of using response ready and responsibility. In response ready we need to call speak method to add output speech, then use a main method to generate a response. In case of response builder, we can simply use Emmet method. You style as action name and fast response data in its parameter. Output speech with reproved which will make more readable and also reduce code. Here are some of the supported action names for responsibility.
Tile is used to set output page. It's like speak method. Note that it will set through include and session. Ask it will generate output speech as well as three prong salvage card. It will generate output speech along with the standard car Which car will perform the same operation as tell which card but attitude and session with value for link card and permission card as a special kind of card to show link for logging and ask for permissions of address or lease rate right. A delegate is used to generate dialog with delegate.
Confirm slot is used to generate confirm slot directive in dialogue model. to state it is used to save attribute data to the Dynamo dB. Did I have converted our example with v1. Use action to generate output speech. We can also redirect our request to other handlers for reproved use tag. In a section we can also recite ssms throughout the series, I will use version twos method for all Those operations.
Thanks for watching this video. Have a nice day.