I'm going to help you to overcome the forgetting curve to make sure we remember more of what you read. So let's start by dealing with the first reason why people forget what they read, which is lack of clarity. So every time I set intentions before reading the book, I take much more from it. This happens because I know exactly what I'm looking for in that book. When you know exactly what you are looking for and what you really want from a book you retain much more information from it. What do you wish to learn in a productivity book a better way to manage your time assistant to delegate your work, and you tool to manage your tasks.
When you set your intentions before reading your book, the whole experience becomes more meaningful and useful for you specifically at that time. Think about it when an author writes a book. He wants to appeal to a lot of people in order to sell more copies. Which is normal. But some concepts in the book might be useful for some people, but not for you at that moment. So it's very important to clarify beforehand what is really important to you at that time, so you can understand which chapters you should really read with full attention and focus.
So about the example that I gave before about the productivity book, it might be useful for you to learn about delegation, but if you're not planning to do it anytime soon, maybe you should skip skip that chapter. You don't have to read a book from cover to back. When you go shopping. You don't enter every open store. You see you only choose the ones where you think you will find the things that you really want to buy. It should be the same thing about books, you pick the chapters that interests you the most and you go find their what you're really looking for before starting reading this book, change your brain change your life.
I set my intention Because I wanted to learn more about how the brain works, but specifically, I wanted to learn more about anxiety and stress, which are things that I experienced. And I have to really deal with those. So I skimmed through the index to find where the topics that I really wanted to learn were covered. And I underlined the chapters that caught my attention. So I also skimmed some chapters that at the time didn't really interested me, such as the ADD and deductions chapter. Because of that I retained and applied much more of the information than if I would just read the whole book from cover to back anyway, I also allow myself to read the whole book if I'm really enjoying it, but I truly believe that the obligation to really finish a book and read it from cover to back only deteriorates the learning experience.
You should select the parts of the book that you are really interested to learn about, and remember If you set your intentions before and you are not seeing how that book can fulfill those intentions, maybe you shouldn't, you should not read it. I think that most people who claim not enjoy reading made bad choices on the books they picked, and they forced themselves to read them to the end. But if you're not really enjoying the book, you should stop reading it. It makes no sense to read something you are not enjoying nor benefiting from when there are so many books that would be the perfect fit for you.