Monster 1

8 minutes
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Hey guys, here's our first unit in the How to Draw monsters course. I love the enthusiasm you got here. Um, listen to do this course I'm hoping you've already taken the How to Draw basics classes that we we already set aside for you there right? those courses are kind of needed and I know they're basics but they'll really help you out when going forward with this one. Okay? So you should be comfortable with drawing basic shapes, circles, spheres, understanding all that kind of thing that, you know, you could turn 2d circles into 3d spheres that type grip.

Yeah. Have those basic shapes, have them comfortable and then Make sure you can, you know, do them as many times, because that's what you're gonna need for this course. Okay, okay, now that I put that little disclaimer there, are we ready to roll? Yes. We're gonna go with monster number one. Do we have a name for this monster?

Peanut? Peanut? kind of works actually, it looks like it looks like a peanut right? Kind of looks like a peanut. I agree with you, right? Yeah.

Okay, so, um, you know what you've always been drawing in blue. I'm going to do a little bit of a draw over here in red. So I want you to kind of understand what forms we've got here. Right? when we, when we look at this monster, we've got this kind of, squished oval here. And it kind of squished over here.

Yeah. Okay. So it, I want you to like really pay attention that we've got two spheres sitting on top of each other. We've got this squished oval here, and a squished oval. kind of off to the side. And then we've got two little feet that are little ovals too, right?

Yeah. Okay, so why don't you do that? Why don't you try to look at? Yeah, go ahead and trace over peanut, peanut. Okay, okay, and then do that top oval there. And hey, students at home, I hope you're doing the same thing.

There is a sheet that you could print out, get your parents printed out for you. I've attached it to the course here. And all of these monsters that we're going to be drawing, you've got them too, so you can draw on top of them. And right next to them. Perfect. That looks like well, it doesn't really look like peanut right now.

No, no. Well, yeah, you got the feet. But you know what we're what it looks like to me right now. We're like Olof, like a snowman or something. Right. But another little head on there.

And we've got all off. Right. Okay, but we're not drawing off. We're drawing peanut. One of the things that I noticed with peanut that's different than a lof is we've got this connection going on here. Right?

Yeah. So how do we do it? Well, we can kind of run from the side here. Come up and around, right? We're just going to trace it around a little bit. Okay?

Yeah. And then it's going to come back down here and back around. And if we want to now we can go in, adding the feet and then the bottom of his butt. Okay, looks good. Peanuts got a huge circle in the middle here. That says I write a circle inside of that.

Circle below it. Yeah. Okay, so we've got the basic shapes here, right? This is kind of looking like peanut. Now Actually, I kind of like my second peanut more than the first. The second peanut has a big droop in the top of them and stuff, right?

Well, you're still drawing the circle. Good. Yeah. And it's okay. Listen, you don't have to keep pace with me you draw your own speed and stuff like that. Right?

And if you ever need to just put the video on pause Oh, wow. Like a big head. Yeah. What kinda like it. Although your eye is smaller. You know what, it doesn't matter whether it's bigger or smaller than the original peanut right though original peanut was just this goofy little thing that I drew.

Right? I want you to play around with it a little bit and see make your own peanut make your own monster. You're using the monster that I have here as a base, but it doesn't have to be perfectly that monster. Okay, so now that we've got our new peanut off to the side here, right? Yep. How do we kind of finish them up?

How do we make it look? Well, you know, he's, he's missing these teeth. He's missing the teeth, right? Okay. Um, he's like His little toes, there's some separation with the toes there, right? Yeah.

And then I kind of did this thing with the eye where I started to, you know, almost make it look like there's a light reflection there and stuff right? Then I started to cross hatch or hatch inside of the eye, right? So why don't you do that? Why don't you take your peanut now and start to do a little bit of these finishing things to okay. You can start to darken the outline of them. You can circle in some of the feet and stuff, right.

Hope you're drawing as I'm talking. There's no reason to, to wait on me or anything like that, you know? Yeah, I think my peanut is done. Oh, you're fat. The meetup. Sorry, lions got character to it.

And I'm gonna come in here. Draw my circle for the eyeball. Here's this guy character. Are you trying to say mine has no care? No, like mine is sitting. Weirdly, it's like almost falling over.

Well, that's cute. Okay, so here's my peanut, my old peanut and my new peanut. Right. I think somebody stepped on my new peanuts head. But it still kind of works right? about yours.

How does yours look? Well, yours is cute. I like that. I like the smaller I'd kind of worked out well, right. Yeah. Yeah.

I think the new peanut is cool. It looks good. The only thing I would suggest on yours maybe is to do a dark outline around the edge. A thicker line. Yeah, right. That's kind of what what I've got for, for that stylistic choice.

You don't have to do it. And if you really want to, you can come in and start to erase stuff. You know, start to clean up some of these lines and stuff. Depending on how much how sketchy you were to begin with and everything right, you can come in and clean things up. I don't really want to clean it all up. I want to keep it loose looking because I want you guys to see how I did it right.

But I also want you to know that it can look better it can look clean and stuff if you want to get in there. There we go. There my peanut starting to make a little bit more sense, right. Adding a thicker outline on the edges. Okay. Yeah, like that.

Okay, we've got peanut and is ugly. Squish brother. Enough. Peanut. Perfect. Okay, that's it for this one, guys.

I hope you enjoyed drawing peanut. Otherwise known as monster number one. Nope, that's it. All right. You know what, if you want to draw them out a few times, try to squish them around, see how the the circles and the spheres can play out a little bit different, but basically kind of move on to the next monster. Let's go

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