How To Freestyle Rap Step 1

7 minutes
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Okay, let's get into the freestyle rap three steps. I am super excited to be getting into this because I think it's gonna super help a lot of people. And I really hope it does. So let's just get right into it. We don't need to talk about bs all day. Let's figure this figure this out together.

So step one is where we're going to be focusing on right now. So that's going to be how to count beats, with stress syllables. So the first thing you need to know is how to count beats. Okay? When I'm talking about beats, I'm not talking about the actual instrumental, I'm talking about a measure of time. That's all a beat is.

So when somebody says, Oh, just take a beat, just take a minute, you know, take a period of time and in hip hop beats are the foundation of how time is manipulated in these in these instrumentals. So all you need to know is and I'm going to show you a diagram in a second, that there are four beats consecutively repeated Eating over and over again and hip hop, kind of like dance, kind of like a lot of things. It's all mathematical. So 1234, those are four beats, right? Those four beats make up a bar. So when you hear a bar and hip hop, all it is a moment of time, and it's a moment of four beats.

Now, they could be 1234. And that's, you know, you know, 110 beats per minute, or it could be 1234, right? And that's going to be a slower beats per minute. But both of those are one bar, and it's the amount of time that it takes for you to count out 1234 that is the bar they're always evenly spaced as well. Okay, the amount of time between the one and the two when the three and the four. Okay, now I'm going to show you this diagram.

I'm going to move my face somewhere not so obtrusive. And it's This is gonna give you an indication of how to use it. Don't be overwhelmed by this, okay? But I want to show you a couple things. So watch the cursor. The beats right here, these four squares represent one beat, okay?

And what producers do is they'll actually put drum beats and drum sounds on top of those beats in order to make sure that it's completely structured. Okay, now the hip hop sound has two unique drums that you'll almost always hear in every hip hop song. And that's going to be a kick in a snare. And kick is a that's the kick style sound. And then the snare is more of a clap like a like that's the boom bat. Boom, boom, bap.

And that's the difference. That's where boom bap actually comes from is kick, snare. Kick, kick, snare. And how that actually works is you'll almost always hear a kick on a one and the three beat. And you'll almost always hear a snare on the two and the four beat. So that's kick, snare kick, snare, kick, snare, kick, snare, and that's the structure of hip hop.

That's how it works. You do that 12341234. Now, there's going to be different variations of that, but that's the skeleton. That's all you need to know. So it's that's a set. I mean, I'm not the greatest beatboxer but I think you get the point.

And now they're going to lace in different types of drumbeats in between that and use pauses and things like that. But that is what hip hop is. And one line is essentially one bar and where you put your rhymes, you're always going to place your rhymes on the For be at the end of the line, and it's always gonna land on a snare. Not always, but it's mostly gonna land on a snare. So, if you kind of come along with me here you say 1234, right? Let's put on a beat, just to like get an idea of what that actually sounds like.

So that you're not wondering what the fuck is going on or what I'm talking about. So here's a beat. Dennis. Yeah, 123412341234 Okay, it's not in there yet, but you'll get it 12341234123412 the two to the three to the 4123 and the Four Noble hear the difference in the kicks and the snares. This isn't the best example because it's almost the same. But I think that that's a good idea of kind of how that works.

All right, and then, so maybe we'll put on a different beat just so you can get the hang of it and hear it again. sick beat actually 1234 1-231-234-1234. And now what producers do is they'll put different sounds in between right? different styles of snares, different styles of kicks, but all you need to distinguish is where the one and the two and the three and the four go. If you can count to four, then you got it on lock. And a great way to practice is to put on beats and go one to the two to the three to the 41234.

I don't know why I did this. But it's i think that that's a really good idea to do. And now what we need to understand is how to use stress syllables on top of that, in order to maintain the flow with our words. Now our words need to go on top of the beat and the rhythm in order to make rhythm. That's what it is right words over beats, okay? And the way that we figure out the way our words work overtop of these beats is with stress syllables.

Now, stress syllables are for example, if I was to say the word rapper, okay, there is one stress syllable in the word rapper, right? You wouldn't say rapper, you would say rapper, the app. part is the stressed syllable. There's two syllables in rapper and the first portion of the syllable is the stress part. And in English language, the way that we speak, there is always going to be stressed and unstressed syllables. That's how our language works.

And that's how rhythm works. So if I was to say, one to the two to the three to the four Okay, one is a stressed syllable. Two is a stressed syllable, one to the to the to the is the unstressed syllables. So you got one, dah dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah dah, dah dah dah dah dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. And that's what creates rhythm. That's how it works.

And when you use your words, you have to pick your words carefully so that they land with the stress syllables on top of those beats. All right, I know it sounds a little complicated, but please don't get overwhelmed. Just stay with me.

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