It's time to start writing. Now that you have created your beautiful life schedule, your chapter structure and outline is time to start writing your first draft. Now, publishing your book is easy. The difficult part is actually writing your book. So I'm going to give you five steps, it's going to make it so easy for you to get started with a daily writing habit. Now, number one, choose a space.
So choose a space in your home or in your office to be your dedicated writing space. It can be your dining room table or a desk, even the couch I do recommend a table or a desk. It's really important to make this a special and sacred space because this is where your inspiration is going to really be bubbling up. Now Number two is set a time, decide when you will, right. It can be 5am or 11:30pm. It can be 9am, or at noon, it's completely up to you.
Whatever it is, just try to make it consistent and add it to your beautiful list schedule. Add that date and time and create that to be ongoing every week. And this allows your mind and your brain to get used to the habit of you writing your book. Now you're going to need to show up every day at this time and put your butt in that chair. It doesn't matter if you have no idea what you're going to write. It's about you creating the habits and creating the habit of you committing a time because if you do not commit the time you never Well, so do not worry about the editing that will come later.
Number three. This is where you choose a goal. So you may want to write a book that is 100 or 200 pages. Do not think as the end goal here. Otherwise, you're just going to overwhelm yourself. Instead, only focus on what you can commit to writing one day at a time.
This can be 100 words, or it can be 1000 words, whatever it is, give yourself that time to sit and just write whatever you commit to. Now Hemingway was renowned for writing 1500 words in one day and then 300 the next. So anywhere from 300 to 1000 words per day will keep you motivated and on track to publishing your book sooner than later. Number four, keep It's simple, that self help that sellers write as if they're speaking to a child in grade eight. So do this over and over again, every day and every week. And within months, you'll be surprised how much easier writing comes to you.
Start today, because what your first draft expresses may not be what your second draft or your third draft expresses. Your book is going to be constantly evolving. This is what's known as the creative process. And it can feel frustrating or overwhelming. Just know that every writer goes through this process. And this process will test you to see if you're committed to being a published author.
I know you've got this and I've got your back. Keep going. You're doing great.