So now you know what ingredients you need to construct a great essay. And I've also given you the recipe for correctly structuring your essay. Now, in this third part of our course, we're going to be putting everything together, we're going to combine the ingredients with our recipe. And in this part, we're going to start cooking. Basically, you're going to see me write an answer to a real BIOS writing task, one question, and I'm going to set a 20 minute timer and write this essay in front of you in real time. Now, I just want to make a quick note, before we get into writing the task one essay, I set a 20 minute timer, and I recorded this essay first.
And then I've added my commentary as a voiceover after having already recorded the essay. Now, let's take a look at our practice. Question number one. So here's our practice question. And here I'm simply spending some time reading the question and making sure that I understand exactly what the question is asking me. So once I've read the question and looked at my infographic, I'm now ready to start writing my first paragraph.
In this introduction paragraph, I'm simply paraphrasing the question language that describes what this line graph is about. So notice the synonyms that I'm using, and also take note of how I'm changing up the word order to rephrase the question language. have also given some additional information by including the time period over which our line graph is plotted. Now here, I'm ready to start writing my second paragraph, which is the overview. And here I'm simply looking at the highest and the lowest data points at the beginning of our graph and at the end of our graph. So here, I've decided to start my overview by using the phrase generally speaking Now here, I'm first describing the lowest data point.
Here, one of our lowest data points occurs at the start of the graph. So in this sentence so far, have not only described the lowest Get a point. But I've also described the starting data point for our line graph. So in our first sentence, we've described the lowest data points. We've said that the lowest data point occurs at 6am. And also in the late evening at 4pm.
In the second sentence, or describing the highest data point, we've said By ADM, the station reaches its peak volume. And then we've said that by 10pm, the total amount drops significantly. So by describing what happens at 10pm, we've described our ending data point. Now that we finished our overview, we're ready to start writing the detailed paragraphs. So in our detailed paragraphs, we're first going to split our infographic into two halves. So we're going to split our line graph vertically in the middle.
We're going to talk about the first half in the third paragraph, and then we'll talk about the second half in the fourth paragraph. So you'll notice that we're starting to describe the key numeric details now. So here we're describing numbers such as 100 passengers, or that the number of passengers surges over the next two hours. so on. So you can only describe these key numeric details in your detail paragraph, which are your paragraph number three and four. We're now describing our highest data point, which is when our number of passengers reaches a total of 400, which is by ATM So we're describing these data points because these are important data points.
Remember, we always have to describe the starting data point and the ending data point. And we also have to describe the highest and the lowest data points. Notice our use of vocabulary words saying that the volume quickly plummets to show that there's a sharp drop in our graph. So make sure to use vocabulary words such as this to convey the accurate meaning. So here, I'm describing the data point for 10am. I've decided to include this data point, because this data point is a turning point.
This is a data point where our graph goes from going down to going up again. So here, I've decided to talk about another turning point. This data point happens at 2pm when our total volume of passengers reaches a total of 300. So at this data point, our graph goes from going up to going down again. So that's why this is a data point, which is a turning point. And we've decided To talk about it, but we've decided to end our third paragraph here, since that completes the first half of our line graph.
Now, we're going to talk about the second half in our fourth paragraph. Now we're simply describing the behavior of our line graph. We're saying that starting at 2pm, the number of passengers continues dropping until it reaches another turning point, okay, which also happens to be one of our lowest data points in our line graph. So here, we've given the numeric details for this data point. We're saying that it continues dropping until reaching the lowest point of 100 passengers. So now we're describing another turning point, which happens at 6pm.
At 6pm, the number of passengers changes from going up to going down again. So since this is an interesting development in our line graph, we're going to talk about it Now in the same sentence, I'm describing another turning point, which happens at 8pm. Now, we're going to be talking about our final data point for this line graph. Our line graph ends at 10pm. So we're simply going to describe this data point and and our fourth paragraph there. Notice the use of vocabulary words here.
We've used phrases such as passenger volume and steadily rises, to show off our vocabulary and to convey the precise meaning. So now we've described all the important data points in the second half of our infographic, and our fourth paragraph is now complete. And with that, our entire task one essay for this practice question is also complete. So here, you'll notice that we still have a minute remaining. So what we're going to do in this remaining time is we're going to go back to RSA, and we're going to read RSA and we're going to check for mistakes, we're going to make sure that we haven't made any simple mistakes or errors that can be easily fixed. So here, I'm simply going through my essay on tracking my work.
So I've checked my work, and I see that there are no mistakes to be fixed. So I'm now finished with my task one essay So that brings us to the end of this video. In the next video, I'm going to break down this answer into much more detail. I'm going to break down the different ingredients that have went into writing this essay. And I'll also break down the recipe that has gone into writing this essay. So I'll see you in the next video in which we're going to be breaking down all the different components.
And we'll take a look at how everything has come together to create a great essay.