The third and final phase of transition is integration. Once we've done everything we can around intentional separation, and once we've ensured the trust level and the capacity for learning and exploration is looked after to get people through the time in between this successful integration actually is the easiest phase of the transition journey. Let me share a couple ideas that will make it even easier. You will start to see as a leader some small signs of success however fleeting and however slight and however miniscule they may be but they are the right way of doing things. It's really important to publish those. run those up the flagpole tell everyone get the people who are doing it, tell their story gives people faith that if those folks can do it, certainly we can do it.
As those signs of success start to build. Let's ensure that individuals and groups into departments are all aligned around those signs of success. So everyone is pulling in the same direction. And also, let's make sure that the formal and the informal reward systems support this new way of doing things. So there's some thoughts on integration. What I'd like you to do is to answer this question, looking at all three phases of transition and being far and away, much more intentional and much more focused on helping people adapt.
What can you do to increase your organization's capacity and your personal capacity as a leader to lead people through transition? What I'd like you to do is to find this action plan that you've been making notes on, throughout, and here the focus is leading people through transition. What are you going to do? What are you and your colleagues going to do? And probably there's some things that can fit in all three timeframes. Over the short term, medium term and over the longer haul