Now I would like to talk about your values, because living your life according to your values, it's something that will really increase your confidence level. So the first question I would like to ask you here is what is important to you in your life? If you think right now, what is important to you and your life? So take a piece of paper again, and write down is it family? Is it work? Is it health?
Is it God? Is it your friends? Or is it any other thing what is important to you in your life right now. And then what you do is that you try to order them. Let's say that you number one is work. Then you have for example, your friends and then you have your family.
And then you have God for example. And then on number five, You have pets? Let's say that for you, the most important value that you have is work then your friends and family, then God, then health. What happens here is that you want to live according to your values. So if this is really the most important to you, the behavior that you should have is for example, that you will spend a lot of time at work. And if you are wondering, hey, should I go to the gym and take care of my body?
Or should I work more or see my friends, you will tend to work more see your friends. And for example, see your family and friends go to the church before taking care of your health. So the order that you have is really important because it will dictate your choice. It means that the first value has the priority on the other one, etc, etc, etc. And there are some people for example, who who say who tell me And what is important to me is work friends, family, God health. And what do you do is that they spend a lot of time for example, with the families and they don't work.
And they are not living according to the values because what is important to them is work, friends, family got health, and they are spending a lot of time for example, with the family and at the gym, and they're not leaving according to the values are not aligned with the values. So that's why I really encourage you to reflect on the values on the order that you have here. That is really, really important. So do that right now. Take a piece of paper and ask yourself the question what is important to you in your life, and write the first five that come up to your mind and reflect on are you living your life aligned according to your highest values, because most people fail at life, because they live a life according to their lowest values. And what I encourage you to do is really focus on your highest values and live up to them.