First, a little perspective, you may think you're awful at public speaking you hate public speaking fine. But realize most other people do too. And because of that, most people are awful speakers. So it doesn't take much to really stand out is okay, better than average, quite acceptable. So you got to tell yourself, remind yourself that and it takes some of the stress off if this were golf. It's not about hitting par or breaking 100 it's more like can you break 200?
If it's ice skating, it's not about can you do perfect pirouettes and spin around and, you know, triple axel spends, it's about can you sort of crawl around this side of the ice skating rink without falling down and breaking any bonds. That's really what we're trying to accomplish here when it comes to speaking. So here's the first assignment I need you to write down in one sentence. What is the goal of your presentation? For every presentation you give, you've got to have a clear cut set. Goal, don't have to be fancy, doesn't have to be flowery.
Doesn't have to be memorable just in one sentence. What is it you want this audience to do?