The whole key to telling stories effectively when you're giving a speech or presentation is that you're not actually telling stories. You're simply reliving an actual experience you had, you're reliving a conversation you had, you can see it. If a client or customer was angry with you, you're envisioning them yelling at you or yelling at you over the phone. You're not making up dialogue, you're simply recounting an actual conversation. Here's the real secret A lot of people don't understand about great speakers. great speakers are often lazy.
They're not out writing and rewriting and rewriting interesting stories till two in the morning. They're simply reliving actual experiences they had, and using them when there's a story where there's a message there that's relevant. Get message is what drives everything. The stories are the ways of amplifying the message and getting people to remember it. So don't try To create or think of new stories from scratch simply relive recount, real experiences you have. That's what will be powerful for your audience.