Today choose a different person who you want to share your love with. Compliment this person and if they compliment back, thank them and reaffirm the compliment. For example, they seem to be in an exceptionally good mood. Smile becomes you. That's so nice of you. Thank you.
I'm sure you're having a good day because you're shining as well. Thank you. I'm glad it's noticeable. I do feel great about myself. Also start your morning with appreciating your environment. Thank you breakfast for being delicious and nutritious.
Thank you shower for being the temperature you love. Thank your clothes for making you look the best you can be. Thank the mirror for showing you how amazing you are. Just thank objects around you for serving you. Well. I love to find my breakfast, my running gear my air electronics, the Wi Fi and so on.
We take them for granted. We almost feel they are given an hour right to have a you know what? In the first world, we are so spoiled with the luxury of abundance. Let's not forget to appreciate it. I know these are objects I haven't lost my sane mind. But telling objects loudly how much I appreciate them.
It's for me, not for them. By saying this out loud, I notice how much I have how lucky I am. To be this rich in resources. We take clean water, roof, food for granted. But by appreciating them we are learning to see them as a privilege and they make us feel so lucky. This is why you thank your objects to feel lucky, almost blessed to have this amazing life.
This exercise is one of my favorites, as it has the most profound effect on my student And I hope you will enjoy it to radiate love on to everything and everyone because when you have an excess of love, you can afford to give it away and bring some light into other's lives too. So today choose at least five items and compliment them. Tell them why you're thankful for having them. In the evening, play the meditation video before going to bed. And don't forget to look at all your lists and modify them. If you need to.