Find a comfortable position. relax your muscles. Support your back. Avoid cutting the blood circulation so you can keep full focus for a few minutes. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and focus on my words.
Your thoughts will try to distract you. But then just find my words and center your focus again. Clear your head and imagine a fuzzy, transparent cloud all around you the cloud sparkles like tiny silver flakes. Notice this beautiful cloud around you is cloud is a representation of love. Love is floating in the air, waiting to be absorbed. Control your breathing, slow your heart rate and visualize the sparkly cloud of warm love.
It surrounds you come every direction. There is no one around you, but the love. Slowly, allow the cloud of love to enter your body to the top of your head. visualize how it's feeling of your head, your brain, your nose, your eyes, your ears as it slowly moves down your body. This love flows through your throat, your lungs, it expands in your chest. Then finally reaches your house.
Imagine how all the cloud that was around you is slowly flowing into your heart fits comfortably, making you feel warm. Anything else that you love and do the same that you just exhale Take a deep breath. Let the love travel through your bloodstream. Reaching every inch of you tap in your heart. Every part of you out slowly open your eyes and start moving your limbs Feel this warm love in your body. Stretch your body as you feel necessary.
Has a wonderful evening a deep breath. As you exhale, it starts leaving your body. Imagine the sparkly cloud of love being released into the space around you. You see more and more love leaving your body. Feel how much love you want to see and let that stay with you. You and release all the rest that you don't need.
A cloud that leaves your body is enriched with your love now. It has changed color to a warm golden orange, like a sunset. This is the access lab that you're giving away to others. Take a deep breath and keep your eyes closed. Think about those you love and send them a cloud of love that you just release. Now think about a place that you love and do the same.
Now think about an animal, a plant object. Anything else that you love? And we'll just see this tribute, all the love that you just exhaled Deep breath. feel the love that you tap in your heart. out slowly open your eyes and start moving your limbs. Move your head.
Stretch your body as you feel necessary. has a wonderful evening