Ambition is not genetic. It's not something you inherit, it can be learned. Let me tell you about my plan A and plan B theory. Obviously, there are many exceptions to this principle. But for low stress decisions, this works well. I believe when we come up with a plan a and a plan B, we ultimately disbelieve in Plan A, in case it fails, we created a safety net, which means we believe Plan A could fail.
But what if you didn't have an option for Plan B? What if there was only a plan A, you would work twice as hard because you know, there's nothing to fall back on. Most of the times, I believe Plan B is just a distraction. When I was down to my last penny after blowing through my hard earned savings during a one year backpacking fell in love with Mexico. I knew I couldn't take a job as they generally pay very little. And I didn't want to go back doing something unfulfilling.
That's exactly why I left to begin with, but I couldn't stay because I ran out of money. So I made staying in Mexico a plan A eliminating the going back to Europe, Plan B. It was the first time I deliberately chose not to give up on my desired outcome because of fear. And he worked. I found a free place to stay by the beach. I got a well paying job online, and I made Mexico my home.
This is when I learned the power of only having Plan A, I was well aware of the huge risks I was taking, but high risk investments usually pay high dividends. So for me personally, it was worth taking that risk in hopes of the high reward. I've been using this method since the day I decided to make A life in Mexico. This taught me that having a plan B was setting Plan A up for failure, settling for something less and redirecting my efforts and attention from then on 80% of the time, I don't make plan B's because it forces me to work extra hard to achieve Plan A. Next time you're faced with making plans. Think about what you just learned here and try it.
See if you put more effort into your plan A without a safety net. It is going to be scary as hell, I won't lie. But if it was easy, I would be unemployed right now.