Close your eyes gently now the focus here is the back part from top of the head till the tailbone, shoulder to shoulder back part. We have to think that all the complexities and impurities are going over This is a kind of son culpa that this is happening, complexities and impurities are going away from Well, from this backside, on top of the head to the tailbone, imagine that and think that they're going from the backside and how they think that they're going in the form of smoke. So, let us rethink this process. What we are doing is simply making a son culpa or a suggestion that all complexities and impurities are going away from my backside in the form of smoke Continue with this process. If you have settled with dispatch, I would like you to do one more thing accelerate this process. Now gently add next element to this cleaning process.
Imaging the light is descending permeable is entering from the front side of your system and passing through the entire system and our body going out from the backside now helping us remove this complexities and impurities This light in turn is helping me fill up the vacuum left behind by the removal of complexities and impurities. At the end of this cleaning generally make a firm suggestion that yes, all the complexities and impurities are now removed and that is not simpler and pure. Now that cleaning is done I would like you all to write your observation How do you feel after cleaning how this experience differs from meditation. I would like you to pay attention to it. Patents like a scientist This worked to see the difference in process and its results. Today when we finish this 10 minutes of cleaning, I would like you to meditate.
Think that the source of light is already present in my heart. It's pulling my attention inward. I'll be transmitting to you today again. Please sit like this for about another 15 minutes or 20 minutes the end of which I'll say that's all That's all make a mental note of your state See how different it is from prior to beginning of this meditation Thank you for joining me today. Hope to see you soon. Thank you