The Diagnosis

3 minutes
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Okay, so maybe you haven't been feeling well for a while. And something doesn't bother you for a while. Not sure what it is, you know, kind of been ignoring it for a while. didn't really want to go to the doctor, but got worse. And so figure maybe it's time to go have his thing checked out. So you go to the doctor, they run tests, doctors always want to run tests, and then they throw out the word biopsy, and you go, Oh, great.

So you have to schedule another appointment to have a biopsy done. And about three or four days later, maybe a week, the doctor calls back and he wants to meet in person. That's when your heart sinks like a brick. You go, oh my god. They're not telling me over the phone must be the worst case scenario. So you go in and say See the doctor.

And in just a few words, I tell you, you have cancer in the blink of an eye and the drop of a hat, and in the breath of just a few words, your entire life has completely changed. Because now you're faced with dealing with a life threatening disease. Everything's changed. So it doesn't matter what your personality type is, if you're more reserved, or if you're more emotionally expressive. One thing is very likely to happen. You or one of your family members or your support person, somebody is going to go into shock.

And as you kind of deal with that feeling of Oh my god, what am I going to do you start thinking about treatments. If you're American, you might wonder how the heck am I going to afford this? And then somewhere in the back of your mind, you're going to think, Oh, my goodness. Is this thing going to take me out? Is this how I die? So with all those rumblings going around in your head, If they get louder and louder, the first thing I want to tell you, and this is from deep experience of working with family members and with other people who've had cancer, that no matter what happens, no matter what happens, you're going to be okay.

And we're going to get into why that is, as we progress in this class. But the first thing I want to do is I want to just take it slow and easy. And we're going to do this first meditation is going to be simply to relax and to de stress and to let all the worries and concerns go. So please join me in this first meditation as I assist you and help you and support you in your walk with cancer. So I'll see you at the meditation

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