What we're going to do now come on out here today that Dave's got a pat on his side, we're going to work to tie kick, okay? And we're going to work it off the blast. So what what we're looking at now is saying this here, let's say Dave jabs. Okay? I of course I destroy into my blast and days going back and he doesn't fall, but he's going back and a lot of people will keep that foot planted and do me trying to get out of the way. So as he's, as I'm blasting, yeah, he leans back and there his leg so I kicked away, or sometimes he may not mean sometimes you get people to be gone back and they go back and then they plant.
So in other words, you would be on blasting. He goes back some of the plants Okay, watch how people react. Some people just like disable whatever it is that lays there. So we're gonna take the opportunity, nice and slow. Okay, here is my distraction from our dentists drug. Okay?
I'm into the blast, bang, bang, bang. There it is and I'm back out. I'm always backing out for right now. If not continuing on backing out, let's go promote around again. Sometimes getting all the way there's my distraction. Last there's that lag time more time moving around my destruction I'm into the blast there's that way okay here to try But now what we're going to do, we're going to work to survive kick out of the blast Friday Come on out here.
So we'll go real nice and slow here. So let's say day Jad I established a destruction I can do that. I'm going into my blast days back and backing up a little bit and you put down hand up it doesn't matter, but I'm in kicking range and there's my survive kick. Okay? Now also could take it off to the same day jabs and I just pick it up that way. So we're going to move around, okay, and work it nice and slow.
Moving around for more exciting, established my distraction and had a blast. Boom gives me that little shot. went around. Established my destruction. I meant to the blast. There's my kick, destruction.
One more time. I don't have to destroy because I'm entering with pain. So I can be what? Don't say like that Now watch what I do. Hi. Oh wow okay give it a try All right now we're gonna continue on this time.
We'll go on to the scoop kick out of the blast. Moving around, Dave's jabbing at me doing his thing. Okay. I've stablished my destruction bone. Okay, I'm into my blast. There's just good kick.
He's given me that energy to go right underneath the pickup is growing. So we're helping out each other. So nice and slow days. Javon. There is my destruction. immensely the blast.
There is my scoop. Okay. Around he's jabbing Oh my destruction there's my scoop. Okay. Give it a try. Okay, come on out.
Hey, I want to add something to this because this really works. When Dave jabs to me, I can parry this jab. I zone out away from him a slap the groin, this works great off of a boxer. So again, the jabs and I slapped that groin. Okay, let's give this a try him. There it is.
My destruction. There it is. Moving around. Right. That's it. No.
One more time. There is my distraction is reaching to get me. There it is. Give it a try.