Verse number two Freddy kings funnybone goes like this. There we have verse number two. Now he starts it out differently. And what he's gonna do is do four pull off on the second fret of the fourth string and then go into this band and then our east seventh chord. Play that the same way all the way through the song. So this leg here, I'm pulling off the second fret of the fourth string to an open fourth string.
I like that a little faster. And then I'm going to ban and release on the second fret of the third string. So I'm going to bend it, release it, bring it back to the second fret position, and then open like that. And then we're going to go back to the second fret of the fourth string, pull off and then open sixth string. So that whole leg plays it again. Then he's gonna do the same transition to the A, and then play the upstroke.
And then right here, he's going to go back to what he played at the beginning of the song. And then for the B seventh, he's going to do the first variation, he's going to climb into it. So, what I'm doing here is starting from the fifth string, second fret of the fifth string, open fourth string, second fret of the fourth string, going back and forth between the open third string and the second fret of the fourth string. So that whole little lick that takes us to our seventh and then I'm going to pick it just like I did before, second string, third string, first string while keeping the beat seventh position. Something like that. So let's do the whole thing.
Another one of those licks. Got that. And then we're gonna go third fret of the sixth string, open fifth string, open six to get back to our E. So let's play it from the five one time. Well, we started off and then right here, there's a little variation. I'm playing the E seven. So I play it 123123.
Then I'm going to take my pinky off the second string and put it right back down. So the whole lick sounds like this. And that's how he's gonna wrap up the second verse. Let's play it all the way through one time, slowly. And there we have the end of verse number two for Freddy kings funnybone