Sometimes we need certain types of views and angles for our presentation. So in SketchUp, it is really easy to create those views and elevations are required data for our presentation. When we go into camera menu, under the standard views, there are some options through which you can change the camera angle accordingly to your need. So if I click top, it shows the camera just shows the view from the top of the surface right to the ground. So it helps us to get the plan of any if we are creating an architectural building. So it helps to create a perspective plan of that particular area.
And even if we delay, another view like left, so it just shows the perspective elevation, the view From the front of the particular building, sometimes we need proper proper elevation of a of a of the thing we have created. So, for that, we have to click the option that is palette projection what is actually does it makes our model orthographic. So, that is if I click on this see this gives a proper elevation of the structure we have created here. So, to complete our need to get proper documentations out of a SketchUp model that is required for our presentation. We can use these tools. Also, if we if we want to come out of this, you just have to orbit around it but you can see Now the scene has become more kind of isometric because of it is right now in palette projection that is here, we can revert back to perspective after just clicking here that like the earlier scenes for us to have still whenever we need a pilot projection, any orthographic view, we can use pilot projection at any time.
We have another option that is two point perspective. What is actually does it makes our our line more vertically every line more vertically from two point view which will help us to have a better view of a particular subject. So go ahead and try these options by yourself. Once you get comfortable with these tools, you will be able to use catch a ferry properly