This lesson is an exciting lesson. Because once you catch on to this concept of transcending time, it is such freedom. I like to begin with Albert Einstein's quote, the distinction between past present future is only an illusion, however persistent, and how this is a mouthful for all of us non scientists, but according to Albert Einstein, times relative and it's flexible. He maintains that the dividing line between past present and future is an illusion. Therefore, reality is ultimately timeless. Now, for our purposes, we're not going to get into Einstein's theory of relativity.
Rather, we're just going to look at it from a purely logical perspective, when we consider past, present and future. Is there really a yesterday or a tomorrow? Think about it, no matter what the client The calendar says it's always now. What you experienced yesterday was now at the time you experienced it. And what you will experience tomorrow will be now when you get there. There's no other time.
But now. So the question becomes if it's always Now, why can't we make instant changes, we can consider one of the amazing discoveries in quantum theory that demonstrates how objects at a subatomic level can D materialize in one place and then instantly re materialize in another without moving in a continuous fashion between the two points. So in other words, it's here One moment, and the next second, it's way over here. Now as we translate this into everyday living, this concept liberates us from the conventional limitations of time and space in order to achieve change. Dramatic shifts in consciousness can happen in what seems like an instant by leaping from one place on consciousness to a very different place of awareness and understanding. You already do this, but you don't always realize it.
Because it's usually unconscious. Let me give you an example. You're home alone, you're just feeling lonely and sad. You're just kind of down for whatever reason, and you're just sort of wallowing in that energy. Then the phone rings and on the other end, it's a dear friend that lives in another state. She says she's in town on business and invites you to join her for lunch, spend some time together as our afternoon session was canceled.
You are thrilled to hear from her. And of course you accept her offer your variable excited about it, and looking forward to it get start getting ready to go out and have lunch. In an instant, you move from loneliness and sadness, to joy and excitement. You didn't go through therapy to get back into the state of joy. You did it instantly proving the theory, the quantum theory that you can move from one place to another place without passing through time and space. And how easy was that?
So, the next question becomes, can I make such a change on my own without any outside stimulus, such as this case of a friend calling me? The answer is a resounding yes. You can consciously make this shift how you ask by choosing to do so. A decision is very different than setting a goal or hoping something will happen if it all works out. It's different than I'll try. It's a firm conviction to the desired result.
And in the case of moving your consciousness, we've already demonstrated that can happen in an instant. If your friend can be the impetus for you to change from sadness to joy, then you can also be your own impetus. Once you decide for instance, you're not going to stay sad and lonely, then you can simply brush it off and start focusing on what's good in your life. You can get out of the house, you can go for a walk, and consciously notice everything around you and be grateful for the beauty of nature, your neighbors, good weather, whatever. Or you can turn on your favorite music and express your joy through dancing to the music. But in reality, you don't need any of these things to make the change.
You can do it simply by deciding to be happy. Yes, it takes practice. Give it a try. You can do it It all happens with your decision to change. And yes, it's like kicking out the undesired state, a matter of personal discipline. But is this not the personal mastery you want to achieve?
You your exercise for this lesson is to make a decision that the next time you find yourself in a negative vibration of any degree, you will consciously make a shift to a happier state. Now, a negative vibration can be as simple as irritation, disappointment or just discouragement or it could be something more. But watch carefully this week. And when the challenge arises, consciously choose to leave the negative vibration and move to a positive vibration. You can do it. It takes discipline and a choice and whatever it takes I've given you some examples to move your vibration to a higher level.
So record in your journal, what you experience and I'll see you in the next lesson.