Welcome back, everyone we're going to do is an introduction to VLANs. And trunks. Again, this is something that's not new to those of you that have taken the CCNA. We already know about VLANs rule we already know about trunks or trunking ports, but I guess the CCNP switch, hey, they want you to know a little bit more. Now what we're going to cover in this particular section VLANs their memberships VLAN configurations on a particular switch. We've done this, we've done that those of you that have taken my course anyway, we've created VLANs, we've named VLANs.
We assign them to a particular we assign the ports to a particular VLAN we've done all that. Not a big deal trunks. They're the ones that transport multiple VLANs obviously, that's why we're in the CCNA you have that particular scenario where information is not going across. Why because the ports are non trunk usually trunk ports are what Switch to switch, switch to router. All right, those are going to be trunk ports, every other port are going to be access ports. But we'll get into a little bit later, we'll have the configuration of trunks, okay?
Not a big deal. Then we're going to enter voice VLANs I got a nice little lab for that, or voice VLANs I do get a lot for, you know, creating VLANs assigning VLANs and trunk ports and all that good stuff. All right, but the voice VLAN This is not the CCNA voice. So it's going to be a very basic overview, but the packet tracer does, it has that capability that you can go ahead and create a very basic, a VLAN a voice VLAN network, you know, with your PC, this phone the switch, you're gonna have your own router, which is going to act as a DHCP. And then you have the other router that's going to be the call manager. Okay.
And then why does VLANs they're not gonna ask you about wireless VLANs that's why there's a C or Cisco wireless exam. They took out why Let's try and put it back in and talk about it. But even in the book, it says right there. We're gonna put it right here. Basically switch port configurations to support Cisco wireless access points. In the next layer, it is not not covered in the test.
Okay, but Nuff said. Let's go ahead and let's get to it. I'll see you next