All right. Welcome back, everyone. So we're gonna talk about our first Redundancy Protocol, which is HSR p, so still proprietary. It Cisco's baby. All right, this is the one that you really got dig down and learn. All right, I can tell you that for my experience, we used it in telecommunications.
And we did run into problems. We're done the season when we need it. But as required in a network, it is required. It is required. If a line goes down, and there's not something else to take over. That's a problem.
You cannot have your people being able not being able to reach where they need to go. And how fast can the failover happen? You know, is it going to take a minute, it's going to take two minutes, it's going to take three hours, six hours, I can tell you again, from personal experience, telecommunications, cellular service down for six hours troubleshooting a problem. Now good. How is the client aware how to switch? These are questions for Going to answer.
What are the when link fails? What happens then there's why h SRP was brought up was created social project protocol uses by default, hello old timers to communicate with this with its other router, right? We use the standby protocol and we have old timers of 10 seconds. Okay. Now, gamers are organized into standby groups. This is where they like to play around with load balancing in these protocols.
They create different standby groups. That is that low balance that is pretending to play low balance. only true low balancing protocol is GL BP. All right one is going to be the active router that's gonna be the main router that's going to be the gateway or ghost, right gateway, all right, that everybody's going to point to. And then the other is the standby, just in case the actor goes down. It's not getting an arm.
Nobody's getting an arm from that. So they'll automatically switch over to the standby router who's based also on Numbers, as you'll see in a second, and then the virtual ID and MAC address is generated, yes, you're gonna get a virtual IP. It's within the network, but it's virtual is our real IP. Okay? You assign it to the client, as a default gateway, as that virtual IP, because that's what was going to be configured in your routers or switches. Okay, so if something were to happen to one switch or one router, they'll say, Hey, man, I'm not getting any ARP requests.
I'm gonna go back to the other way, right? I'm gonna go somewhere else, and it finds it and you're gonna get it up. extremely important. commit this to memory. This right here. This right here, commit, that's a memory.
The virtual MAC address. Now Sharpie creates one. All right, and right, here's the breakdown. 1234566 as far as what 24 Very good. All right. 24 bits.
Cisco Vendor ID that tells it that's a Cisco proprietary protocol 07 ac. Hey, that's the H SRP, so forth for 16 bits. And then the last eight bits, standby group number, this you need to know this, you need to commit to memory, you have no choice. Okay? You need to know this information I can suppress. Make it more important, because it is now even though it says active router, it's the same thing on the switch.
It's the same thing. All right, you're going to go to the interface, whether it be a VLAN Oh, having gonna go standby, the standby group number, the IP address, which is obviously the virtual IP, the ghost IP, they're going to point to and you put them priority number Now by default the priority number is 100. For all of them, the higher the priority number. You are the active router. Okay? And like it says right?
Default and the range is from zero to 55. So if you're zero, you're nobody. Alright, standby one preamp. What does that mean? That means if he comes down because whatever reason, and there's a router says the seminar says, Hey, he I can find one down, I want to take over. Okay?
And then he comes back up, boy says, Well, I got a bigger party. Normally you, I'm going to overthrow you because you have a lower priority number. That's what that means. Now earlier, we set a question that said, what happens if the wendling goes down? Well, this is what this is. This stem by one track, you track your Wellink.
So if your wendling goes down, now he can send that information to the other router and then it will transfer the information, the frames, the packets, everything goes the other way. Or the LAN link is not down. Okay? Step by one timers, milliseconds, hundred 50 milliseconds, or 700 and then careful processor cycles. If you do it too quick for it to do that, then you can really burn the router. Let me just give you a little brief history on these timers don't mess with the timers too much.
The only reason people were leaving HS RP are going to be going to VRP. One is not vendor specific. Everybody can use it. But because of the timer's were Cisco didn't have way back in the day, milliseconds, it was three seconds, 10 seconds, things like that. Were VRP was in milliseconds, well, now they're all in milliseconds. So it doesn't really matter.
So of using Cisco and this is their baby, learn it, learn it. There's your configuration right there. Okay. But the clients, the clients, their gateways must have that ghost IP. Okay, that IP that you configure on the interface, VLAN, whatever, or they're all router on the interface, that you can figure that standby one IP that goes IP money be configured in the clients. Now your regular gateway on the physical interface, but the standby IP address that's the one that should be in the client.
So if one goes down, he knows to switch over because all the routers will have which I believe I remember correctly is eight will have that particular IP address. Okay, that is HS Rp. I'll see you in the next