Hello guys, and welcome to my Cambridge English advanced reading paper video course. In this lesson, we're going to be focusing on part five of the reading paper. So we're going to learn the best tips and technique to use as well as doing some practice examples for part five of the reading paper. So part five is a multiple choice test. How many questions are there in Part Five? There are six questions.
How many texts Do you need to read? Just one text. And how many options can you choose from? You can choose from four options. There's a quote here it says in this part There is an emphasis on the understanding of a long text including detail, opinion, tone, purpose, may not be implication, attitude, and also text organization features such as exemplification, comparison and reference. So, these are the things that you need to look out for.
These are what maybe you may be tested on in the multiple choice questions. And this quote has come from the Cambridge English advanced handbook for teachers, which you can find if you type in this address into your web browser. Okay. So this is my first tip. In Part Five, the questions that you need to answer tend to follow The same order as the text. So question one will be near the top of the text and question six will be in the bottom of the text.
These are either opinion questions, or why the author does something. Okay, so why is the author doing this? Why does the author do this? So I suggest the first thing you do is to quickly read the text just in 30 seconds, for example, to understand the meaning of the text. This is really important. Quickly, very quickly read the text just have a general idea of what it's about.
And as I say, This will also help you with the more general questions because he may be asked one or two more general questions in the 60 that you have. So, what I'd like you to do is to open the Cambridge English advanced reading and use of English sample paper for which you can access here on this website. So if you type this web address into your internet browser, you will find a website which looks like this. What I'd like you to do is just to scroll down to page number two, we have part one, and then keep going down, down, down, down until we find part five, which is on page eight. Okay what I've done is I've actually copied this text over into this document, but it's difficult to read. So it's easier to read if you open up this in your web internet browser.
So, once you're looking at page eight, I would like you to see if you can answer these two questions in one minute. Okay, so you have 30 seconds approximately for each question. So I'd like you just to pause the video now and try to try just take one minute time yourself. And in one minute, try to find the answer to these two questions. And when you're ready, you can click play. Okay.
So the answer to question one is no The opposite. let children develop at their own pace. And you can find the answer for that here in the text in question number two, whose theory provides the framework for this book, Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky you can find the answer for that here in the text. Okay, and asked you to do that exercise because it's really good just to practice having a very quick scan through the text. And you should remember to do this at the beginning. The exercise in the exam.
Time for my second tip, read the question, decide what you think the answer to the question is ignoring the A, B, C and the options. So, you can cover over the ABC and D options and just read the question and then try to find an answer to that question from the text. And then uncover the ABC and D options and see if one answer stands out. See if one answer is very similar to what you thought was the answer. Before you look at the options that time for tip number three if you're stuck between two options, For example, maybe you think it might be option C, or it could be option D. Watch out, because there might be a little bit of extra information in C, for example, which is not actually mentioned in the text. So sometimes you can have two options, which are very similar, but one of them has some extra information, which doesn't, it doesn't exist in the text.
So watch out for this. Or it could be that one of those two options, which are not sure about might only answer half of the question, and it doesn't answer the whole question. In which case, you should probably choose the other option. So watch out for that because sometimes one option if you're stuck between two, one option may only be answering half the question and not the whole question. So I say read the whole of options. A B C, D carefully for making your final decision.
You should check that all the details of an option are in the text with no extra information. And check that the overall meaning is correct as well. Check that what's written down as one of your options actually matches the meaning of the text. Okay, so let's practice this. If you open this PDF document again, and look at pages eight and nine, which are here, you will find the passage here. Question 31 at the top of page nine.
What I've done is I've actually put question 31 into this slide here for us to look at So read questions 31 and then have a look at this passage and decide what you think is the answer to question 31. You can pause this video now and when you're ready, press play. Okay. So the answer is the option A is not correct. Because deteriorated means that something gets worse. And this is not stated in the text.
Option B is also not correct because flawed means to have problems and the text doesn't say this. Option C is not Correct either, because straightforward means easy to follow. The text says the oversimplified messages in parenting advice literature. And this means that it is straightforward. So there is a lot of advice in parenting literature, which is straightforward. This is not correct.
So finally we have option D, which is correct. The text dates, parenting advice literature is often unrelated to or at odds with current scientific knowledge. And another way to say this is to say advisory material doesn't reflect current academic thinking. The opening paragraph of the passage goes on to say how parents don't have access to a lot of beneficial material in contemporary theory. This is why option D is correct. If you look at the language that is used in the passage, you can see that it is very similar to the language which is used in option D. Okay, so for homework, you should complete the Cambridge English advanced 2015 sample paper four just showed you how to access earlier here and all the questions that's with it on this page you should also find some part five exercises in a course book.
And if you type in this into a web browser, this address here You'll find this course but this is a really useful course book for the exam. So what you should do is you should take take the tips and techniques that I've taught you in this video lesson and use them to complete part five exercises in a course book and follow the order as well make sure you do tip number one, tip number two, tip number three, in the same order when you're using the course book. Okay, so if you would like to do live lessons with me, you can write to me at admin at student languages.com this address here, tell me that you would like to do live lessons with me and I will talk to you about booking some lessons. We can either do lessons on this part of the exam, or any other parts of the exam, or general English.
Okay, I hope you enjoyed this video. Lesson. In the next lesson we're going to be focusing on Part Six of the reading