So now to check out how my new video can appear or disappear, what I need to do is I need to double click on the video and I am taken to this part of my section. Okay, here I click on motion. And these are the various ways in which our video can appear or disappear. So let's say for example, I select this particular thing, so I double click on it, and it gets applied. Okay, so if I had to view this now I don't think there's anything wrong. It's done.
So it's a very nice beautiful transition of way the video actually comes in. So this was all about these were all about Have you how you can handle your videos onto an existing video. Now in the next part, I'm going to speak all about text, how you can put up a text into your video how you can change the text settings, etc, etc and all of it okay. So see you in the next section.