Now let's see how the text based watermark really works. So I again, take my pointer to the start of the location, I click on titles. And you can select any simple title out here, your text based watermark has to be very, very simple. And you drag and drop again, you drop it to a new layer, you cannot work on the layers that are already used, it's going to create a lot of confusion. And when you double click, go to the advanced setting. And that's your text.
So let's say I want to put this text as a watermark. And the watermark size again has to be very small. You place it in one of the corners either the right or the left. And the watermark has to be a little transparent the opacity of the watermark should be there. So if I use this opacity tab here I'm Make it very, very transparent. See your it's almost gone.
So I think around 20 is good. Okay, so that's my watermark. This watermark has an animation already. I don't want it. So I will be closing off this animation. Okay, and then I click OK. Now that's my watermark here.
If I had to play this part there's no sound to this part so I can add another sound later. The watermark is gone. But what what is the symbolization of a watermark that it lasts for the entire video? So you get your mouse pointer till you get it to the Addy and you drag it. That's it. Now if you play this portion you see this what the markets very light and that's how it's supposed to be.
You He'll he'll. So this is how you're going to work with the watermarks. One was a text based what a month that we just saw, and the image based watermark, which we saw in the previous video. Now in the next part I will show you how to save your file and how to export it in order to use it for your future uploads. So let's say you want to upload it on YouTube, you want to upload it on any kind of your course platform or anywhere that you want to upload. You can get the uploading done.
Okay, so we are cool with the watermark, we got to go to the next section where I'll show you how to save and export the project.