Hey guys, Zach wild here. Welcome to another episode of skate school. In today's episode we're going to be teaching you how to take congrats graduate board. Let's get started. To get started, make sure you can fakie ollie and frontside when ad very easy. You should also learn fakie backside pivots while writing to help you get the motions down for the fakie backside.
Now this is a fakie backside half cab because you're turning blind side as in backside when turning the 180 but it's just like a front side 180 foot going backwards. Once you get the fakie backside pivots down, it's time to try to take the backside half gap. Start by gaining a fair amount of speed. You want to make sure that have enough speed to get your board in the air and all the way around straight back in regular stance. Before you talk, you're always start shifting your weight backside into the trick. Shift your shoulders and your sight behind you.
So it helps you to turn the board all the way around in a complete wind age. start turning those shoulders back side and pop your board. Lift your foot in the air just like you would a normal. Use your back foot to help guide the board over and around your back foot will become your front foot when you when the board land back in regular stance on your bolts, bend your knees and right away clean. trying this trick, try to keep your weight on the foot that you're popping. This helps you to really turn around all the way forward and bring your board into the air.
This trick definitely takes some practice to get down where you ride away all the way forward. So don't get discouraged this Half cash comes from the legendary skater Steve Cavalera, who named the 360 version of the trick the full cap in the late 1980s. Steve was the pioneer of this trick, and since then it's been taken to many heights on street and vert skateboarding. Alright guys, now you've mastered the fakie backside. It's time to take it to your local skate park, or even the streets. But most of all, have fun.
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