Hey guys, Zach Lau here. Welcome to another episode of skate school. In today's episode, we're gonna be teaching you the front side 5050. So grab your board and let's get started. Before you get started, make sure you can Ollie very easy. Head to your local skate park and find the smallest ledge you can find.
First, practice not moving and Ollie onto and off of the ledge. Practice it enough to where you can get your truck on the side of the ledge every single time. Now it's time to try 5050 gain some speed and do the same motions you did while not moving on the ground. Bend your knees while grinding to hold back. As you come to the edge of the ledge lean back within your front trucks off the end. land on your boat and ride away clean.
After you've mastered the 5050 on legends, you can start trying it on rails to, it will be a lot easier once you understand how the trick works a little bit better. You can also learn how to pop out early or pop over on 5050 Alright guys, now you've learned the 5050 it's time to take it to the streets and practice on bigger and more challenging. But most of all, have fun. Thanks for watching guys. Don't forget to subscribe to watch files for the next episode of escape school.