Hey guys, welcome to another episode of escape school. In today's episode we're going to be teaching you how to ask started. Head to your local skate park and find the smallest quarter pipe you can see. Make sure you can drop in very easily before trying this trick. You could practice the motions of coming back in the ramp by setting your board down in a 5050 sell on the top of the quarter price. bracket practice lifting up your front truck and dropping into the ramp.
Once you've got this motion down the axle stall is very easy. Start by cruising towards the ramp at a medium speed. Make sure you're going fast enough to get on top of that coping but not too fast. So you overshoot it As you come up the ramp slowly turn into the actual stuff focused on getting your backdrops on the coping first while you lean onto the back of the ramp. As you get centered, lay your front trucks down on the coping. Lean back to your steady on top of the ramp.
Now use the same motion you did while practicing dropping in lifting up your front truck and rolling back into the ramp. Keep your feet on the boat, bend your knees and ride away. Alright guys, now you've mastered the actual stuff. It's time to take it to bigger and bigger random. breathe out breathe out. watching guys, don't forget to subscribe to while others