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Hello, and welcome back to our next section entitled protection. But before we get into protection, I'd like to mention something that I forgot in the last lecture. And that is, one thing you can use to enhance or set the tone for your meditations is to use aroma therapy or some really nice fragrances. So smells can help induce a state of relaxation and when you use all your senses such as light, sound and and aroma that can really set the tone to take someone into a deeply relaxed state so, so use some essential oils or aroma therapy to help maximize the benefits for your meditations. Now today, what I'd like to talk about in this lecture is about protection. And protection is extremely important because what you're doing is that you're opening the doors through meditations to another world through going into a place that's not really restricted to time or space.

And doors could open to different places. And so you want to be very careful because it is possible. And it's rare but it is possible to open to what are referred to as dark energies. And dark energies are not always friendly. So you want to make sure to have your guard up before you go in just so you don't encounter those things. So I can give you a little story about something I experienced one time working with a client when I got to experience some dark energies, and I went to her home, so it was like a house call.

It was a nice little log cabin in the woods and I took her into a deeply relaxed state. And as the session progressed, I felt like there was something that was pressing in on me, that's the only thing I could describe it and she was having this very pleasant experience of sailing on a sailboat or, or whatever, I can't really remember. But I had this thing that's pressing in on me. And by the time the session was over, I felt like I was in this battle with this thing while trying to conduct conduct a normal session with the woman so I was kind of distraught and tried to not let it show when I left and I went back home. And when I got back home, I went for a walk with a friend. And I noticed that my heart rate was going up.

And I was sweating profusely. And I got into an argument with this friend of mine, which is something that I never do over matters that were just extremely trivial. And so I went back to the location where this woman worked it the next day, just to check in on stuff she was doing. She worked in a restaurant, and she owned the place. And so when I went into the restaurant, one of the workers told me there that she was in the hospital that she had contracted pneumonia overnight, and was in the hospital. I'm going, Oh my god, something happened during the session because she was on the ski patrol team.

She's extremely healthy and for her to get pneumonia. Just very quickly after our session, I knew that it was related to our session somehow and so I will drove into town to see her at the hospital. And I just had this really strong intuitive flashlight something was wrong with the right side. Everybody and so when I got there, I found out her, her entire right lung had pneumonia in it. And she was in the hospital for two or three days, she didn't remember me coming to visit her in the hospital. And so and then when she went home, she worked with an energy polarity therapist to help her recover in for three days in a row, and the therapist was there, she had this Raven come and tap on her window during the session.

And after the third day, it flew off and was never seen again. So I was really confused. I didn't know what was going on. And so I went to see a professor at the local university who worked in shamanic shamanic studies. And we both came up with the same conclusion that there was some kind of dark presence not on the woman but on her property that used the opening of that session to get out and so it wanted out from wherever it was and wanted to go to the lighter wherever. And I just and both of those just happened to be standing in the way and we both kind of got mowed over.

So we all turned out to be fine in the end, but it was a really awakening to me that dark energies are present. And that you need to protect yourself from that when you go into a session. So the easiest way to do that, and the most standard application for setting protection is to use blue light. So it's the blue light frequency in the white light spectrum. And historically, it's commonly referred to as Archangel Michael, so the protective archangel and you want to set the protection for yourself and your audience regularly. And so if you do it enough, it'll eventually get instilled into your subconscious.

So it's there all the time, but you, you want to make sure it's there, especially if you're working with a group or maybe like in a hospital setting or something like that. So it's very easy to do. It only takes a few seconds, but all you need to do is close your eyes and breathe. And just imagine that you're enveloped in blue light. It's very easy to do. It's very effective.

And you just want to make sure that you set that tone before you start your sessions. That's it protection and let's move on to our next lecture. Thanks

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