Hey, Juan here. And in this video, we're going to talk about what services do coaches offer. So coaches offer a variety of different types of services. And a lot of times coaches are just really helping you realize your potential that you already have within you. So let's go ahead and jump right into this here. So coaches understand that the client is an expert in his or her life, and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful, and whole standing on this foundation.
The coach's responsibility is to discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve, to encourage clients self discovery, to elicit client generated solutions and strategies and hold the client responsible and accountable. I think one of the most important things here is the accountability and the responsibility. A lot of times we kind of know what we need to do and what we need to make happen. So We can reach our goals. But a lot of times we get hit with the procrastination bug, and we're not holding ourselves accountable, right? And that's kind of where coaching comes in, where you have kind of like an accountability coach that is there on you, maybe once a week, maybe twice a month, and they're telling you, hey, you said that you're going to do X, Y, and Z?
Why haven't you done it? Right? What got in your way. And typically, people will come up with some of the most profound and interesting type of excuses. And that's the thing here is, what are you prioritizing, ahead of actually accomplishing, you know, making happen, what it is that you say that you want to make happen, right and accomplish and achieve. So, a large portion of this is the responsibility factor and the accountability factor because the inner game and the strategy, the vision, all this stuff is really important, right?
But You can lay all that out, right? You can have clarity, you can have the vision, you can have the strategy of how exactly, you're going to achieve all that. But if you're not holding yourself accountable, or if you're not being held responsible and accountable for your actions, then you're not really going to take action towards those things, right that you want to accomplish. And so that's really what's important here is the coach taking that responsibility and saying, This is what you said that you wanted to accomplish. This is how we laid out that you're going to accomplish it, right? This is the strategy.
And this is you know, the steps, but why aren't you taking action? What is getting in your way, right? Maybe it's a limiting self belief that they have about their ability to actually accomplish, you know, X, Y, and Z, whatever they mentioned. So it's really important. The biggest things here that I like to kind of point out and that what really coaches offer is I've been mentioning kind of throughout this entire course, is that the inner game is really what the coaches are helping you with, right? And what you're going to be able to help others with as you become a coach, and you look to help others and reaching their full potential is really to help people understand and silence their inner voice because their inner voice typically will have those statements of doubt.
You know, hey, you can't do this. What will others think of you if you try to start a business or you try to do X, Y, and Z, and it fails? Well, others say what others think. And when you're able to really turn that off, and stop caring what people think and what people say about you. Then your powers become limitless because people are held back oftentimes by what they feel or think others are going to say about them. Right?
And when you're able to really knock that out and understand that those voices of doubt, those voices of negativity, right are just going to be there, and they're never going to go away. But you can choose to pay attention or not right? And you can choose which action or direction you're going to go. And as I mentioned, the clarity factor here. I mean, this is so important here. Because if you don't know exactly, specifically what you want, and then why you want that, it's going to be very hard for you to really do anything, because you're kind of just going through the motions.
And you don't really know why you're going through the motions in the first place. So your actions are going to be sporadic. You're going to get excited and be ready to go one minute in the next minute, you're going to be like, Well, you know, why am I doing this? Why should I keep doing this? People are telling me that I should quit that I should stop that it's not in my best interest. Maybe somebody is trying to start a business.
They may be saying You know, I got my family, my friends telling me that I should quit doing this business because I may, you know, not have any security there and all this stuff, right? They're just kind of sharing all these doubts. And a lot of times these doubts, these insecurities are their own, and they're trying to, in a sense, not have you be above them and reach higher levels because they are typically at a certain area in their life where they may not even be happy with where they're at. And so they would hate to see unconsciously they would hate to see somebody else you right, reach a higher level of success than they have because they would ask themselves or have to ask themselves, hey, what am I doing with my life? Right? So, once you're able to get clarity there, I mean, it's probably one of the most important things that you could have as an individual as a business owner, just as a human being in general.
And then the strategy, right helping clients develop a strategic plan to accomplish and achieve that desired outcome. So step one, this is what I need to do step two, step three, and lean that out in a linear fashion, so that you know exactly what you need to do to be able to accomplish, achieve whatever outcome you're looking to achieve there. And then the vision, right, this is where you are able to paint that picture in your mind of the clarity that you have developed, right? So that clarity that you have, hey, I want to live in XYZ type of house. I want to live in XYZ city, right? When you're able to build that vision, and be able to see that in your mind and be able to kind of think about how you're going to be feeling what you're going to be smelling what you're going to be touching.
Once you're actually experiencing that and you're seeing that in your mind, then that's where you can really solidify your vision because once you can see it in your mind, you can put in the word Get the clarity, get the strategy together to accomplish that, right? And then optimization, this is where you're helping clients really improve and increase just what they're currently doing. Right? Maybe they are not as productive as they would like to be. But they want some kind of strategies, some tips, some methods that can help them, you know, optimize their maybe their schedule, maybe their routine, right so that they can become the better version of themselves and get more done, right. And so these are the types of services that you're going to be providing as a coach.
Remember, you don't need to be that subject matter expert, you just really have to understand how to be able to accomplish and master these hear the inner game, the clarity, the strategy, the vision, the optimization, and I'm going to show you how to be able to master that for yourself and then master that for your clients as well. So that's going to be it For this video here, and we'll see you guys in the next one thanks