A one here and in this video, we're going to talk about the best places to find clients. Now, there's so many different areas, you can go online offline, to find prospective clients to find your ideal clients, right, but I'm going to walk you through several different areas. And then also, in another video, I'm going to walk you through an example of how you can get clients without spending any money on advertising. So let's go ahead and jump right into this here I want to share with you some great resources here for finding clients. So the resources here are essentially very simple for you to use. Okay, so we talk about Facebook groups.
Now. There are a ton of Facebook groups out there that are around and talking about your specific niche. I mean, if your niche is in the weight loss industry, you can easily go and type into the Facebook search for weight loss groups, how to lose weight Way diet and fitness groups, right? So there are ton of those that you can join and start, you know, making valuable posts, connecting engaging with people and being able to get them into your pipeline. And then we have Facebook ads, which is going to require an investment. However, it's one of the best ways to get clients because you're actually showing ads to your target market.
And you're getting people to opt in to, let's say, an email list. you're providing a valuable piece of information through like an E book or a cheat sheet, and you're getting somebody on your list, and then they're getting exposure to you, right, you're building that trust that credibility, that authority through maybe your Facebook ad and then retargeting them and then also through your email sequences. So then we have Reddit groups, forums, and then just simply doing a Google search about your particular niche. Business Association websites, been eye groups, local Chambers of Commerce. Family and friends, meetup groups and then for LinkedIn, you have a great resource for b2b clients. Now, the B night groups, this is for businesses.
This is where businesses are essentially paying like a, I believe it's an annual membership that you pay with BI. And what that allows you to do is go to these networking events where businesses are looking to recommend refer right business to you, and then vice versa. So really a great place to go and network and it depends on whether or not you're focusing in on the b2b niche, or you're looking to work with b2c right business to consumers. So it really depends as far as DNI groups. What you're looking to target there, and then your local Chamber of Commerce is also another great place to go and, you know, see if there's opportunities with business owners because sometimes a business owner may not be a good fit for you, but they may know some That may be a good fit for you that they can recommend.
And you can even pay them like a commission fee for referring that individual over the meetup groups is also another great resource. There's meetup groups that hang out at least once a week, all across the world, that has to do with, you know, certain subjects. So there can be meetup groups of how to start a business, or how to grow your business, or how to lose weight, or all these different groups that you can join and go and, you know, connect with people at different events through these meetup groups and be able to get clients that way. And as I mentioned, the LinkedIn area here, LinkedIn is going to be a great source for you, but it's really typically going to be for the b2b side of things. So if you're like executive coaching, business coaching, then LinkedIn is going to be a great source for you as well.
So that's going to be here for this video, and we'll see you on the next one. Thanks.