Okay, yeah I have some vegetables here is my celery is my carrot audience. And this is the product is called the French word for basic vegetable oil sauce for your soup. So, let's start. Okay, let's start with celery. I take my salary off of you can see we this tent is slightly bigger so just tap into It automatically gets almost to the same size as the other pieces over together. Wash, wash everything whatever you eat salary As I said before, just move on, you don't have to move on and I rip it off.
Take my beginning the tip of my paring knife and take off. Make sure nothing is left already repeating it even if it's your router is inside you already fine. Otherwise you're on your way. Videos easily seen here because the second Here's my carrot. Take my feet off. Same here.
As I said, it's up to you. Make sure you are comfortable with repeal the most important part item is clean. So let me give you an example. Double check if something exists, and you can see it does peel it off, double check. The end is okay because I'm cutting it off take my count Take my camera is actually not necessarily too few. But make sure it's very good because this is not serving and then you can practice it on food secure and And of course, we have to become fast.
So you take the three pieces makes it nice and secure. Salary Can you look for my stock? So here and here so we have approximately 25% of parents have 50% of audience and 25% have said 5025 25 Karen good