Hello and welcome back. Today we have March. All right. I'll be doing Orange. Orange today. Very easy to get started on the carnivore, chicken and eggs groups.
You could not see it. So when you buy your orange, it's a trust issue, right? It's all yours. That's just gonna happen. It's okay. Anyway, it still will continue.
I don't have to take your knife, put a nail on an angle, use just the tip of your knife, not here, the end whereas he is You slice around here. This is how it looks like with your orange slice here, oh you understand what you just need it it's much easier to go around with the tip. As you can see, I'm holding my knowledge slightly different. I have four fingers under my tongue on top. Why? Because I want to go around.
If I have a knife like this, the movement is more complicated. So I'm putting my knife with my orange seeing here then I stone just gets a peel off included, sir white skin because the white skin reader also can cause cancer. Here's why. I removed my view. I take my orange, take it in mind and cut into it easily I can remove it comes my race. This is how you do it.
You can see the skin here between single elites. This is what you were you got done. For this action you also can use your paring knife if you want. I'm more familiar with chef's knife and I can show you it looks fine to me. Some people even use a building. I don't know why.
That's easily you can take this to see an ENT is coming by orange Felix and this is what we do with all our citrus fruit, lemon, nine oranges, you name it. Okay. Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.