Now I just want to go over why why do New Year's resolutions not work? Right? A lot of people said them, and then they're surprised when they don't work. And it will be good to go over this because it will show why goals work, right? Because what's the new year's resolution? It's something that you don't really want it because you've never worked for it that much before.
Right? And now all of a sudden, like, you're like, oh, cold turkey. I'm gonna work for it. So it's not like a, it's a wish. It's a thing you want. It's not a goal, right?
And there isn't a plan of action for maybe something super vague. Like I'm gonna go to the gym every day, right? Or something like that. But there really is no particular strong plan. You're not visualizing you're not going over it. You're not creating your habit that much, right?
You're just forcing yourself every day gym, and then a couple of times, you don't go to the gym and then that's it. You kind of just quit it just falls off right? And there's no because there's no also no real drive because you had the drive. Even if already been going to the gym, you've already already been doing it, right? So it's, there's some ingredients that go into one of these new year's resolutions. They make the recipe for a quick for a quick fail or Quick, quick, you know, frustration point fail quick, whereas a goal and you want to set a goal, everything around it right?
Like, you create a plan of action. You hold yourself accountable, you create a habit or you know, you get coaching, you really work towards it. And you really set it as the goal, you visualize it. And those are the ingredients that make the final recipe for you not to quit right for you to long term be working towards that goal. And that's a major difference of why your resolutions, you know, they have a chance of working if you make them a goal, take them seriously do all the good practice things. But generally people don't.
You know, they just kind of winging it and then they fail.