Now let's learn how to apply transitions. Go to the effects panel. Here you can find few categories to choose. We can now select video transitions category. Among these The most common used ones or cross dissolve and dip to black. You can find this under dissolve section in Premiere Pro cross dissolve will be the default transition.
But you can always change it to any other transition you like. You can do that by just right click on the transition and select Set selected as default transition. Now let's see what this transition does to our video. Select the transition Greg and close them between the clips. This is how the transition looks. Now let's apply one more transition.
If you see here, Premiere Pro is not applying it in the center. Sometimes this happens without any reason. To fix this issue, let's go to the effects control panel. And here at the alignment option, change it to center at cuts Now that transition is fixed. We learned how to edit a video clip and add a transition. Now let's learn about audio.
In the clips that we selected, we do not have any audio along with it. Let's select the audio clip and place it below the video clip. Now, if we play the clip, we can hear the audio as well. We can increase the height of the track by just double clicking here, we can see that there are two channels left and right. The line at the center is the wall. If you scroll it up, then it increases the volume and if we scroll it down, it decreases.
We want the music to increase only at a certain time. Then we can hold CTRL button. This changes the cursor. And now if we click at the place, we want it creates a keyframe. We will discuss about keyframes in the next lesson. Now let's create another keyframe.
If I get this keyframe down, so from this point to this point, the volume gradually gains and it stays steady after that. We also have transitions for audio. We can either use exponential fade or constant gain to gradually increase or decrease the volume. There are many options, but since this is only for beginners, we will not get into further details.