Okay after we have loaded up with Romina theory, I say we have done all these are variables data type we have done all those data frame ETL statement dogs and then the functions. Now I we are going to put together all these theory we have done our programming and create our own calculator. So, how do we do that okay for complete I can do something like this praying, I say the addition okay. Copy and Paste also create addition subtraction division multiplication, addition subtraction okay then multiplication deviation okay then you saw multiplication okay okay then I'm going to ask the user for input. So how can I ask the user for input I can do something like this option ah as taught in teacher okay. Rely rely function rely on Anna prom from a quad I say oh I can pull some info Okay.
Then I see I can see I see. option I take a one I can do some tea Else to can do something else he often cliquot V and I can do some and else I can do something neither okay then I create my own function. So I will create something it should it should function AB return k, AB, k that can create a subscription to a function A B on an ri A minus B can create a file function for the deviation function ah a b k and a eight by B. I can create a multi vacation I can create something now function AB okay. Okay, return a times b. Okay. Let's say I asked the user for input and I can do something like this option equal equal to one.
Okay, then I create I say, first number or maybe I use a eight or essay in Asia Maybe ah as free they stop okay then rely ah pro equals I say okay rely okay present presenter first number first okay then I can do something like this okay then be kV I can do something it can be second number Okay then I can call the addition function okay addition. Okay addition AB okay then I can run this quiz. See how was first