Okay in our programming the vector so vector will be better is something that stole a sales cell. That's a few values. So we can create a vector using something that is, so let's say our variable One, two c 1.0 2.0 3.0. Okay, I want to see this or that I can do something like this. Okay, then I click Run okay 123 so if I say I want to select the first element, I can do something like this. Ah, better one, a one.
Okay, if I want to select a, so I select the first element one, if I want to select a second element, I can do something that is okay, then I could run Okay, I got a second element. So if I want to see the cross or type of this vector I can do something like this. Is Jacobo on so I could run is a numeric cross okay I can use a typo to see these affect also. Okay? So they are Oh Ah, okay, so let's see if I want to start so let's see the first element and the second element. I can do something that is variable one first element second element so I have to use a vector One, two.
So I can do something like this. Okay, well Too or I can also do a variable one that's a minus a minus or wait a second element. So I can get something that is also so I get one tree okay. So if I want to get the element I see more than two, I can do something like this elbow one, variable one or down equal to two Okay, then Ctrl A and then run Okay, so I guess two entry. So you want to do the other way I can do something that is less than two. Okay and then run.
Okay, I will say Ah, this is how we do that in this hour. Programming