Welcome guys to this section of the course. Now, this file did give me a lot of issues I was trying to open it in, it will behave in weird ways. Now sometimes what I encourage people to do is and this is an undoable action. And even my own view is you need to optimize your sin sites like optimizing, it's basically going to get rid of all the junk that maybe mine is not using. And I find sometimes that helps in avoiding crashes or avoiding weird stuff happening to your file when you're working so optimized and even renamed and saved a new file because it was giving me issues so we left off here. As you can see, we have these three polls.
So let's go to frame 44. And I'm going to select anything In CIT, and basically what I like to do is I just like to zero out. Not the thing they're like to zero out everything and bring everything back to its original state now defeats the fit, if you let me pass out everything that people have noticed in the video reference feature not moving their position. So that is essential in creating or making sure that that pose is correct. But for now, let me let me first zero out everything in this one obviously. And also be careful not to zero out the scale I am going to get some funny things happen to you.
And seems to be this one's behind, not zero up the sleeve in the head for the head control and I think everything is zeroed out. Now the opposite that the feet are the only thing that maybe you should leave them as is. So we're just going to go back this frame. And basically, I'm going to middle mouse click on frame 44. And I am going to set a key for the translation. And I can see that the translation is basically it's at zero.
So let me just say key selected, and I'm going to go to this around so this other one has indeed some keys also. Now for the rotation of this one, this one is the one that maybe I'm not going to maintain its key prints because it's been controlled by this main controller so yeah This one has moved slightly because even if you look at the reference Look, look at the feet there, they're not really moving. So that is what I was saying. So the only things that are moving is maybe the rotation. And yeah, the rotation of the roots there. And also the knees need to move.
And I think it needs to be is supposed to be straight and also material rotate you global control. Just make sure you selected the right thing. Obviously you need a slight bend on your back in the buck fair cause he's defending See? I think this thing's too big so let's rotate the teacher using this controller Christy I guess you want to increase the manipulator sighs just Plus, I mean press the plus and the minus key for new keyboard. Yeah, so definitely I need to balance out my character because I can see is obviously out of balance in case for this just playing back to see to make sure that everything is working as I wanted to and in this case I didn't care To push the global control a little bit forward like that. And I feel as if I've rotated this leg too much.
Let's, let's zoom out and try and work with this other main one here. Maybe try and push the knees. Yeah, it's coming along. just takes a little bit of tricking. And sometimes, let me do a reference can be wrong. So if you notice, like in this case, I'm noticing there's no really I'm finding it quite innocent.
Possible not to move his feet. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to first of all ignore the reference video there and to the end to do it. The only because I've noticed that it's giving me some slight issues. See Levine it looks more stretched. So like I said, the, the reference video is more of like, look at it as more of a guideline. And I don't need to match it.
Correct me exactly. Because it's not as exaggerated. As I'm doing as I'm exaggerating it right now. Could you see right exaggerated manually looks more appealing. So this case, if your offense was hindering us, and I'm not saying that this method is the most correct rate. All I'm saying is sometimes it's just good to know when the bigger case is not really working out the way you want it to walk up.
So in my case, it was really not working out for me. So notice that now the pose looks better because my desk decided to ignore the video reference and just basically walk off my instinct. So in this case, still this arm that is up so interesting. Yeah, so I believe you can also can always cut this one down. That's the thing about this arm. This arm is raised.
And it's quite behind there. So you notice that immediately I'm really getting a good pose. And that is really good that I've just decided to stop using the video reference because I noticed that a reference was kinda hindering me and remember these are to the character. So it may not have the limitations in actual 3d character. So, typically dereference as a reference, not as like the, the absolute correct, we should walk around do stuff so I need a better pose for my fingers. In a better pose, my fingers and really that's, that's an admission.
It's just working, tweaking, making sure that the poses look correct at all. Most of the fall maybe most of us think us maybe need to be just split them. Just split them a little bit. Give them a little bit of an offset, the whoops, maybe mess around with this thumb. And that does make a big difference in this range. Let's not focus too much on the side.
Let's go back to this other side. Sometimes just need to know when to stop doing it. didn't just mess up a good pose by test repeatedly focusing on one area and forgetting that these are the areas you need to focus on to strive to make sure that this holds. Suppose looks nice. It looks like that. Just took them individually.
And I'm liking I'm liking the way this finger is offset. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to raise this finger, I'm going to set it under bits. Yeah, it looks more natural like that when it's offset from the rest of the arm there that is that is a histogram. So and obviously your head needs to face Rimando, these are your image planes. So you just need to make sure that some times not the image planes, sorry, the camera you need to make sure that the cameras are off. You cannot daintily mess with the camera.
Now that I have raised the head and notice that my arm needs to be too quick and I think, yeah, I think the mark is artists nicely. liking the box art and maybe the hips. You can rotate the hips remember your list you can control there. So if I was to press seven, yeah, that's uh oh, I think this arm needs to be fixed and pixel. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. And I like to pose I like I really like I'm really digging that pose. And I remember it's moving on because of the in the graph editor. Remember that I stepped like I use these steps. Repeat the steps really. But I use this linear thing acaba does not have a, a smooth playback tricks, so, it's good to help you to pay distractions.
And yeah, so we've completed both poses. You can walk Need more like maybe saturated a little bit because also graduation helps to sell this. This poses. They think maybe push it. Come later on. We try it that way.
And I think about it's exaggerated. I think it's better. And yeah, I'll see you in the next lesson.