Please we are going to discuss about the aggregate functions in relational database or because we are, this is the SQL statement. So I can also say that in SQL, okay, so now what basically is available in while working on that data was microsystem. Okay, so now I'm saying if you get the record, which has the minimum value or the maximum gain, so how can you do that? Or suppose I'm saying select the static from student Sorry, it's not select, I'm saying select. Now I'm saying minimum. That means I'm saying I'm going to get the minimum value.
Now I'm saying minimum you have to specify the column name. So now I'm saying the column name is s ID. Promise food is Control Enter. Now as you can see, it's showing you that it's showing you the minimum age record, because you have you already has the minimum age recourses concedes it has minimum value it that's why it's showing you or suppose if you saying that So, sorry if you say that select maximum you have to specify the column name from student press OK. From Control Enter as you can see showing you the maximum value of the call you have the maximum value 14 in the table says can see the maximum record is 14. So, in this way, you can specify the minimum and the maximum value. So, you can also perform the other aggregate functions like count average and some are supposed to If I say that, select count, and specify your column here from student control interface utility.
So as you can see, it's saying seven desserts to cause use the Select spirit from students who read elegancy issue the seventh report. So that's why you are saying how that means it's counting the total increase count from students. As it's saying, seven records, the count functions return the number of rows that match a specific criteria. So in this time, we are saying come from the s ID. Now similarly, you can also perform the average and so possible and saying select some I'm saying For this column from students control in half an hour, you can see it's showing you the 77 value. Similarly, you can use the average ABG average.
Now I'm saying average or as it now, homeschoolers control interest now as you can see the average is 11.20. Okay, you can also specify, as you know, is showing you the ABG si you can also use that area I'm saying as my ABG control interpret elegancy showing you the my a VG is totally dependent upon you, how you how you creating the logic and what is your requirement. So, in this way, you can perform the aggregate functions or the maximum minimum count average or some So I think this is enough for today. In the next section we are going to courseware topics. So any project