You know, well that we have successfully inserted the record similar to the structure. And now it's time to talk about the null values. So what is the null value for suppose if you have values which has the null so what is the null? affiliate with a null value is a few with no way how I'm saying, I'm going to add these three columns 123 and I'm saying that s name is Maria and now I'm saying she'll ever India, okay? I'm saying Mumbai. And now I'm saying this I'm not giving this value because this value is not required.
That's why I'm asking the null. And now I'm saying, as you can see, we have only five records, and we have just inserted the one record. Now I'm saying select the steric column students Ctrl, Enter To execute the query. So now as you can see, we have six values means six records. These are the record sets. And now we have four couples or four rows.
Sorry, six. So now as you can see, this is the value. Yes, I'm talking about and now I want to fetch the records. Who has the null value means I'm saying, Please show me select. Show me that name. Which has the null value that means address from students and seeing where the address that means as address is no control in touch now, as you can see, it's giving us the S name.
Now if I say the steric, enter, so I'm saying s. Okay. Now I'm saying is now if I say is not. So it's giving us all the report because by default, I have not provided the note while creating the table. So that's why you're scheming us. Make sure if we have another value here if I Say that our played students table set S address equals to L okay. Yeah ID equals to six Don't worry about ready if you are not familiar with update.
Now enter. Now select Query SELECT static from students enter. So now as you can see this is the null value. So actually the null value is a field with has no value. Now if I say that select static from students where address is Nell and Cole in tears now they can see you showing us that while you Which has six ID. As you can see this is done that way.
If I say that show me all the record, which has that address field is not null. Now you can see, it's showing us the five records, but actually we have six records. So now I'm saying if I say that select is tearing from the student without a clause. So now as you can see, we it's showing us six ways, or six records. So if I say, where is it address is null. That means I'm saying Oh, please show me all the records, which has the null value.
So Ctrl Enter is showing us six. So in this way, you can fetch the null value with using is null or you can set The values which don't have the null value control interest as you can see she has the five record. So I think this is enough for a next session we are going to cover some other topics. Thank you for watching.