We are going to discuss about the distinct with select. So what is it? And how can we use it, you know very well select the state, you can get all the record using the Select static from students table Ctrl, enter all the records coming word, as you know, it's repeating two records. So as you can see, this is the shaky and also the shaky. These are two record repeating records if you eliminate the same value, so how can you do that? I'm saying that select the string s name from student control in there.
So as you can see, it's only showing you three increase. Why because you are saying this thing. So the Select distinct statement is used to return only different value, okay? Because we have different values. If you are saying select the state static from students select this thing from the student. As you can see, it's showing you all the record because this thing works with column if you are saying distinct as address from yesterday so as you can see you have two same values, so Ctrl Enter so as you can see, you are registering you on the the different values, it's not the same value, so that's why so this is very useful statement, which is there this thing to eliminate the same recourse.
So I think this is the next section we are going to cover the topic so thanks for watching.