Today we are going to discuss about the left join keyword. So, you are now familiar with the joints you know very well that while retrieving the records from different table you need the joints okay. So, in our previous lecture we have already discussed. Now, this is another inquiry we have created in the studio in this lectures that is you are getting four columns. So, you can see these are the four columns you're seeing on students. Now, here you are using INNER JOIN, you are using the inner join or subjects table and this is the conditions Okay, you know very well that emerge line only worse when both table has the major wins Okay.
Now, the left join keyword returns all reports from the left Table Table one and the method sorry and the matched record from the right tables. That means, if you are using the left time, we have already discussed that we have several types of types of flying in a very left wing, right wing and so we have already discussed in advance this is the left side and just using the left keyword here, I'm using a join to join this tables and the criteria is the same you can also do that that is then greater than sign now, hit the Polar and a tone interpreter is the query. So as you can see by using the left while it's getting the results, the all results from the left table. And also it's getting the results from the right table. Make sure the matched results you know very well it's getting the subject ID and subject ID and subject name from the subjects table and these two columns are the students things.
These reports are not fetching from this appear still because you are using the left join and the left join only worse when sorry, left and only only worse, sorry, not only worse, getting the results from the left table, make sure all the reserves and on the right table, it gives you the measures of satisfaction. If you use the That's mine. So we definitely give you the managed reserves managed reserves means the the both tables has the IDs. So that's why you the reserves if you use the left side and hit the enter button so now you can see it's getting you the matched results from the right table and all the others from the left table. So, in this way, your left join verse okay. So, we discussed about the other joint like for join and right join in our later lectures.
In the next lecture, we are going to cover the full line and why we are teaching you this because we know that this is the basic series, so that's why I'm going I'm covering each and everything from Fresh and for you. I'm only giving you the simple examples. So that's why I'm teaching you step by step. Okay, so thanks for watching.