My name is Dan McIntosh. I am a registered nurse by training a Bachelor's in nursing. And then I also have a degree in theology. I have a master's in the theological area. I've served as a nurse in very various settings in the hospital. Trauma settings, ICU settings, mental health settings, Alcohol and Drug Rehab recovery settings, basically all over the hospital and then after that, I moved into a working with a local congregation because I saw how powerful it was to be in community.
We did all kinds of health programs for people in the community that dealt with their physical health, emotional health, mental health and spiritual health, and over time, became known as a place of healing. So that's the secondary Thirdly, I then became a teacher. And this helped me grow immensely. And also a counselor for the past 10 to 12 years working with the area of spirituality and mental health. So I wish I could see you face to face right now, but I at least will get to know you perhaps through this series. And we're glad that you're with us.