Once we have taken the N component system or analysis system anything, so, here you can see a question mark right. So, that means the shell is empty. So, what we can do is just double tap on it and will be redirected to the geometry module. So, where we can create a 3d models are 2d sketches also if you need so, so, here also you can find this geometry module, same as any 3d modeling software, but this is not that much user friendly and that much advanced since the main purpose of this and this is To do any UEFI or CFT. So this 3d model, 3d modeling is just for the editing purpose only. So even though we can find all the tools like 2d sketches, constraints, 3d modeling and everything, so this is the geometry window.
So here you can see, it is almost looking like a 3d modeling software, but you don't find much of the tools. See these are the modeling tools we have. And so these are the sketching tools we have. So we'll see one by one how we can do it. So if you want to know bit about this interface, so if you use this thing, you can rotate it and if you use As you can pan it, this is German and jumoke and this is Boggs, Doom, Doom to fit and this is box room. So, in a particular area you can join me in that area.
So even so, this is the plane system what we have and so if you want to work on xy plane just click on jet so that it will be a no xy plane, right. So, here I am using ANSYS 15 version, so, there will be no major changes even in those 16 1718 and 19. So, every year in every ocean they'll add few advanced tools Right. So if you learn one version completely, so you can work on any version, that will be no problem, right? So first what we'll do see here, this is sketching tools, right? We have every tool here, so we'll see one by one, then we can move to modeling, then we'll go to further steps in our analysis process right.
So first let me show you the settings. So if you go to settings, if you want grids, here, you can get it done snap option is also available. I hope you guys know what the what does it mean grid grid means See, you can see the grid lines and snap means the cursor will move point to point. So if you want to do it, you can use scroll button also. So, let's say since if you see here my snap is on. If I go to line, C do moving point to point, right, but that is not the best two way.
What we can do, we just deactivate the grid and snap. If you want, you can use the grid and snap