Thank you once again for joining me here with this next lesson here on our journey towards learning how to play the saxophone. Now, what I wanted to do just quickly in this lesson is talk about next steps. Next steps are important because quite simply, they hold up your axe, they hold up your saxophone, without a neck strap, your right thumb will very, very quickly fall off. And quite simply, with a tenor saxophone, you probably won't be able to keep hold it up. It's that simple. So neck straps are important.
So the first thing that you want to do with your neck strap is if you can, if you have a collar, put your neck strap behind your collar so your collar goes between the neck strap and your actual neck. So put the next job behind the collar put your collar underneath the neck strap. The second thing that you want is if possible, you want to be that next rep see this bit here. The it's kind of made of wetsuit material on mine. I like it. There are others.
Some of them are fluffy. Some of them are big and fat like a guitar strap. But you know, this one I like it doesn't for me. So if you can get a big fat bit at the back. The third thing that you want with a neck strap is you actually want the clip. So on my neck strap here, there's an actual there's a clip here.
This clip what it does when you hook it on to the little neck strap, Holly thing on your saxophone. Once the clips on, it doesn't come off. So if you accidentally drop it or your finger you slip the next day you drop your sex, it's not gonna fall under the ground and break. Now there are some other neck straps and he is one of them is another of my neck straps that I've got this one here. It just has a hook so you can see the hook just here. So that's okay that holds the neck the sex of our knob.
But he's not ideal because if you're moving around, you can actually drop the sex fine can actually fall off with the hook with the clip here, it's not going to fall off. So there's that thing. The third fourth is that the fourth thing to know the next thing on our next trip list is the correct height. So what you want to do once you have connected your neck strap, your right thumb goes underneath the little thumb wrist here on towards the bottom of the second one, your left thumb goes here on the left is usually black, sometimes it's white, up towards the top. So the neck strap itself takes all the whites. You can you know, it's just not a problem.
Your saxophone is not going to fall to the neck strap is holding it up. But you want to get the adjustment the height of the right you need to adjust it. So the saxophone is the right height. And obviously that's different for different people in different sizes and different size bodies. Okay, so what you want to do is just let the saxophone hang. And you need to be able to just pivot it, you're not picking it up, you're not letting the next step is holding the wipes.
You want to pivot on the width the hook on your neck strap. You want to pivot your saxophone carefully, so it goes right into the middle of your mouth. You don't have to lean down, you don't have to lean up just right pivoting goes into your mouth naturally at the right height. So I've got mine here at the right height. For example, I'll lower it so it's too low pivoting, I would have to bend down and that's wrong. pulling it up, getting it to the right height, almost that is the right height.
And that is our talk about next steps. I will see you The next lesson. Thank you