Hello and welcome back. Another fantastic scale for you today. This might be the last one for you in this series of, of scales. So that's called last scale we are going to do an A major scale that is A for apple. We have in another lesson we've talked about C major, we've talked about D major, we've talked about F major. Right now living on the edge, we're going to do a major.
We know all the notes in our a major scale except for one we have not talked about a G sharp note the note G sharp, a G sharp. We've talked about before a sharp is higher than its name just by a smidge. So a G sharp is higher. G sharp is higher than the G so we know a G G is three fingers. We started off with G So fingers, J shop is with the left Pinky, G sharp, top little key there with the left Pinky. We talked about B flats in a previous lesson.
So we're talking about G sharp here. It's the top one. So it sounds he's edgy. Is our G sharp, G, G sharp. Dragon, you can do that. Or you can you can do that.
Let's try that G, G sharp, G, G sharp, G. Let's try that 1234 All right, once more on the edge 1234 How you going? How's your pinkie getting tired? It might be. So back to our original conversation. Our original conversation was a major. Okay, have a listen, I will play an A major scale, you just have to listen.
Back down again. That's what it sounds like. So you know all these notes already. Here we go. So it is an A, B, C sharp, D all fingers with a register key, A, F sharp, new note G sharp still with a register key. I cool.
Let's try that and then we'll come back down and Get ready? Let's do it together 1234 and we'll go back down again. So we've got a register key, a G sharp, F sharp, E, D, C sharps, nothing. The eye. Okay, can we try that with the register key 1234 Coming down again. 1234 groovy looking good.
Sounding good. Awesome. Let's start on a low a low register key going up to a high a with the register key. And then we'll come back down again. Ready? Here we go.
Rocking and rolling. This is good. We're having fun. We love scale scales are awesome. No, they're not. But we've got to do them anyway.
Scales are fantastic. They're good for your fingers, but we really don't like them very much at all. scales are great. Well, yeah, okay, we have to do them otherwise we won't go up to be big and strong, so please keep doing them. Anyway. Are you ready?
One starting on a 1234 Fantastic. Or a major scale we've learned a new note called G sharp. Can we just get some g sharps happening? Just quickly, a G sharp, F sharp G sharp a let's just try that 1234 hedge guy. It's starting to get a little bit of a coordination octopus fingering On a thing, where your fingers get a little bit tangled, especially when you're moving two fingers, you're going from an A to A G sharp to an A to A G sharp. A to G is just one finger.
A to G sharp is two fingers. Let's do I may just go once more, and then we will call that a big tick. And we'll say it's just like a board one. A major going up going down. Let's go. Ready.
1234 Thank you very much. Let's talk about how to play the sax in another lesson, but you've done well Excellent. Thank you I will catch you in the next lesson. Thanks