In our purse words, it is confident in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures. Hello everyone in this module we will continue with hands gestures of low competence and competence. Let's watch a video from YouTube. Now, this is a good idea in the video, even the person not talking you can feel his disappointment from his body language. Human is a being has territory. When we shrink our bodies we size down the boundary which indicates low confidence fear as Marcel so posture that wrapping yourself can consider that is a low confidence signals such as the positions, arms, coursing hands in pocket.
If you have a habit of wetting yourself, which means you're consistently telling your body, I'm not good enough, I don't have courage, I'm not a confident person. Therefore, I suggest to change it into a positive confidence one. So let's talk about the positive hand language. Positive gestures are simply showing your ethos and competence. Let's look at john kennedy. He is a good example his hand is resting in a relaxed state.
To show confidence you can use a thinking hand steeping hand our lacks hand and open arm. Remember, do not do the upper arm in exaggerative way unless you are giving a speech. All right, we will move on to the next module.