Have you experienced excitement when people deeply understand what you are saying? Hello everyone in this module we talk about using words for building work poor, for very special and could be conscious or subconscious. conscious part is the logical part, subconscious is the emotional part. If you want to communicate effectively maybe people will remember and understand this language is not only for expression, but also for people to Western eight thing words in same language could create different meaning to different people. For example, if you ask, do you use Facebook, Mister a will thing you want to have his facebook account. However Mr. P will think you want to know he is a media social guy or not.
Therefore it is not easy to understand what every person is really Thinking when it comes to building report there are two strategies I recommend number one use or repeat this thing words. For example snap to one Mr a that I'm working on this project only two months to progress goes so fast now and you apply wow good for you. Scenario two. We say that I'm working on this project only two months to progress go so fast now and you reply only two months. wow good for you. When you use or repeat the same words people can feel you are listening.
Also the words people use had been approved by their minds. Therefore, we repeat the words they said is like opening the door to the subconscious mind. So choose and repeat the word used by others. Number two, use the worst form culture or common sense these words are Already in the subconscious mind quite simple mysteries that I don't think I can handle it is not easy for me and you apart. There is the old saying that practice makes perfect. The more you do, the more you can handle it.
Those ways for entering the subconscious myself to do with this one is for saying I am in the same group with you, you can feel safe and neither is for people to develop action if necessary. All right, this is the end of this section. It is time for you to take a crisper refreshing memory