We're at the end of our process storytelling training course. And we packed in a lot at a pretty high level. So it's going to be important that you do the class exercise, which I'll talk to in a moment. But that will help you really get that live practice to integrate some of the learnings. And you'll also learn probably some more details as you get your hands dirty with the work. But in this class, we talked about process storytelling, how you effectively delegate and especially with a focus on solopreneurs, and small businesses and why this is so important.
But generally, as we went to the course, we introduced what is a process and the process science definition. And that's everything. Everything you could possibly look at observe, manage, could be described as a process. And then we talked about the importance of increasing process transparency in your business. We introduced some of the cost about why changing or not changing rather, but why reducing process transparency or low trust transparency is going to give you problems and it's going to be the opposite of improving your business. Then we went into the meat of process storytelling, which is Establishing a common ground, which is the physical or the tactile perspective.
And we talked about the cabbie mapping language from a capture and visualization perspective. And again, process capture meaning, the five W's strategy of eliciting information from people structuring that information so that you have all the right stuff, you need to tell a good process story. And then we talked about visualization techniques, using the cabbie mapping language, using the three shape model, and kind of that construction with how the five W's fit into a picture. And there's some samples and we went over some of that stuff. And then we really ended the presentation with how this applies for solopreneurs how you start to practice interviewing yourself, capturing visualizing information, and we talked about some of the ways this can start serving your business. And as an overall summary point, I can't under emphasize how important it is to capture to visualize and to tell process stories to other people, including yourself.
If you're going to want to have anything Positive around scaling, automation, sustainable growth, this is the base. So if you're a small business owner of any size, shape, kind quality, this is where you have to start. And if you're going to work with a consultant, or you're going to work with anybody, that's not yourself, you have to be able to draw a process picture you have to be able to explain. And if you do it the hard way, you're going to find out like many entrepreneurs have in the past or in are still doing currently, that if you think you're just going to have people come into the organization, and you're just going to tell them what to do without documentation, without having thought that your processes, you're going to be in for a rough time. And some of you may have already experienced that. And you know that why this is so important.
So that's the class. So now I want to talk about what the class project is for a minute. The class project is building a process map telling your process story. So the thing that I would say for next steps is comment or start a conversation about what processes that you think might be good targets. Remember to focus on your revenue generating processes first, and then Maybe some of your share service processes that are giving you problems like your HR, your it or your finance. But generally, you're going to do that you're going to download the template we provide you, which is going to remind you about some of the steps and conventions.
And then you're going to start asking yourself the questions, start capturing the information in the five w format, and then draw up your maps, send in your process maps, if you comment here, or you post or you ask questions or have concerns, share your one page maps and we'll get back to you. Let's start a dialogue so we can help you understand how to improve your process of storytelling. And that is pretty much it. So thank you so much for watching this course. Again, I'm Sam chin. I love process is the passion of my life.
So happy to answer your questions and hope you check out some of our other courses on other process related business topics. Also, if you enjoyed this course, please share and make sure that you comment and bring this out there as much as you can because the more people talk process, the better for you and the better for everyone. So thank you so much. Appreciate it.