In 1991 gang who was fighting eighth year old Chinese former graduate physics students at the University of Hawaii Open Data seats. He had recently lost the competition for an academic award that unsuccessfully appealed the decision. And after work, he was unable to find an academic job. On November 1, he entered the University of Louisville physics departments and short his advisor, the person who handled his appeal several fellow students and bystanders, and then himself in all in law killed five other people besides himself desti for faculty members in one student and he seriously injured another student. These tragic events prompted a lot of people in the communities affected in in the press to discuss the reasons for the killings. Michael Morris at the time a graduate student at the University of Michigan become interested in these discussions.
He noticed that the reports on the English language capitals newspaper focused mainly on jangles perceived internal characteristics making claims about him having had a bad temper and disturb personality. For example, mores then consulted with a fellow graduate student who was Chinese keeping pan to see how Chinese newspapers were covering this event. Thanks said that, in contrast to the English language campus papers, Maurice has read the explanations in the Chinese papers often centered on the social circumstances. In the killer slide, for instance, that he didn't get along with his supervisor and on the relatively easy availability of guns in the United States bank and mores were curious about whether the differences they had observed or reflected a wider trend in how again, most crimes had been explained. In an attempt to answer that question. They conducted an analysis of the content of the reports about the killings in the New York Times in the Chinese language, newspaper, the world short enough, they found that the differences in the types of explanations offered for the murders were very different, whereas the New York Times described them mainly in reference to lose internal characteristics, noting things like a sinister act of a Star Wars character well before the shootings, the world the journal reporters attended to focus mainly on social factors leading up to the crimes, for example, arguing that the tragedy or reflect the lack of religion in Chinese culture